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Kan 8006 aluminiumfoelie gebruik word vir farmaseutiese verpakking?


Kan 8006 aluminiumfoelie gebruik word vir farmaseutiese verpakking?

8006 aluminum foil alloy

Wat is 8006 aluminiumfoelie? Aluminum foil is a special aluminum alloy, which is not very common among 8000 aluminum alloys. 8006 aluminum foil is usually produced by hot rolling, which makes the internal structure of the aluminum foil uniform and has good physical properties. Daarom, aluminiumfoelie 8006 is mainly used for food packaging, cooking containers and other applications that require strong, durable and heat-resistant materials. Dus, can 8006 aluminiumfoelie gebruik word vir farmaseutiese verpakking?

8006 aluminiumfoelie

8006 aluminiumfoelie

Kan 8006 aluminum foil be used as a pharmaceutical packaging material?

Aluminium 8006 foil contains a higher proportion of manganese and magnesium than other common aluminum alloys (soos 8011, 8021 of 1235 pharmaceutical packaging foils). This provides 8006 with unique mechanical properties, so 8006 aluminum foil can also be used for pharmaceutical packaging.

Aluminium 8006 alloy composition for packaging foil

Aluminium foelie 8006 typical composition includes: aluminium (Al): 97%, manganese (Mn): ~0.5% – 1.0%, magnesium (Mg): ~0.1% – 0.5%, small amounts of other elements such as iron, silikon, ens.

Terselfdertyd, 8006 alloy foil has excellent strength, which is more durable and less prone to tearing than other standard aluminum foils. In terms of formability, it can be easily formed into different shapes, suitable for food containers and trays. The alloy has good heat resistance and can be used in oven trays or other high-temperature applications. Korrosie weerstand: Like other aluminum alloys, 8006 has good corrosion resistance and can perform stably in humid environments.

Advantages of 8006 aluminiumfoelie vir farmaseutiese verpakking

Moisture barrier performance:

8006 aluminum foil can effectively isolate external moisture, maintain a dry environment for medicines, and prevent moisture from entering the packaging bag, thereby avoiding the quality degradation or failure of medicines due to moisture.

Oxygen barrier performance:

Oxygen is an important factor in oxidation reactions and will cause oxidative degradation of medicines. 8006 aluminum foil has excellent oxygen barrier performance, which can effectively prevent the entry of oxygen and maintain the stability of medicines in an oxygen-free environment.

Light-shielding performance:

Light has a certain effect on the stability of certain medicines, especially light-sensitive medicines. 8006 aluminum foil can effectively block light and reduce light exposure, thereby protecting the quality of medicines.


8006 aluminum foil is easy to process into packaging bags of various shapes and sizes, and is sealed by heat sealing or cold sealing technology to ensure the sealing of medicine packaging. This sealing method is easy to operate, has a good sealing effect, and can effectively prevent medicines from being contaminated and oxidized by the outside world.


Aluminum foil is relatively safe, non-toxic and harmless, is not affected by bacteria, and can maintain the safety of medicines for a long time. Daarby, aluminum foil has good corrosion resistance and is generally not affected by corrosion and will not react with drugs.

8006 pharma aluminiumfoelie

8006 pharma aluminiumfoelie

The role of 8006 aluminum foil in pharma packaging

Protect drug quality: The moisture barrier, oxygen barrier and light shielding properties of 8006 aluminum foil can fully protect the quality of drugs and prevent them from deteriorating or failing due to external environmental factors.

Improve drug safety: The sealing and barrier properties of aluminum foil can effectively prevent poisoning by lawbreakers and improve the safety of drugs.

Meet environmental protection requirements: Aluminum foil is a recyclable packaging material that meets the theme of contemporary environmental protection. Using 8006 aluminum foil for drug packaging can reduce environmental pollution and reduce ecological pressure.

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