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The best pharmaceutical packaging in the 1000 reeks aluminiumlegering


The best pharmaceutical packaging in the 1000 reeks aluminiumlegering

Among the 1000 series aluminum foils, there is a type of aluminum foil that can be used as pharmaceutical packaging, dit wil sê, 1235 aluminiumfoelie. PTP blister foil packaging 1235 is a common type of drug packaging. 1235 PTP blister foil packaging refers to a specific type of packaging material used in the pharmaceutical industry.

PTP 1235 Materiaal: 1235 PTP (Druk deur verpakking) blister foils are typically made from aluminiumlegering 1235, which is known for its excellent barrier properties, light weight and flexibility.

PTP blister 1235 structure: the foil consists of multiple layers. The innermost layer is made of aluminum to block moisture, suurstof en lig. This is followed by a layer of heat seal lacquer that allows the foil to be easily sealed to the blister backing material. The outer layer is usually painted with a printing primer or other protective coating.

Uses: PTP blister foelie is mainly used for packaging of pharmaceutical tablets, kapsules en ander vaste doseervorme. The foils form individual blister cavities, each containing a single dose of medicament. Blister chambers protect contents from environmental elements and provide tamper-resistant packaging.

PTP blister 1235 foil Features
PTP blister foils offer several benefits, insluitend:

Barrier protection: The aluminum layer can effectively block moisture, suurstof, ultraviolet rays and other pollutants, ensuring the stability and integrity of packaged pharmaceutical products.

Drukbaarheid: Important product information such as drug name, dosage, batch number and expiration date can be printed on the outer layer of the foil.

Easy access to medicines: PTP blister foils are designed for easy dispensing. The blister cavities are usually arranged in a standard grid pattern and can be easily pushed by applying pressure, allowing individual doses to be easily removed.

Peuterbestand: Since the blister cavity is heat-sealed, any attempt to tamper with the package will be visible through tamper evidence on the foil, ensuring the safety and integrity of the medication.

Verenigbaarheid: PTP blister foil is compatible with a variety of blister packaging machines, making it a versatile choice for pharmaceutical manufacturers.

Algehele, 1235 PTP blister foil packaging is a widely used and trusted solution in the pharmaceutical industry due to its protective properties, ease of use, and tamper-resistant features.

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Volgende Bladsy:


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