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The difference between hard aluminum foil (H18) and soft aluminum foil (ኦ) for PTP medicinal foil

The main aluminum raw materials of medicinal aluminum foil are 1100, 1145, 1200, 1235, 8011, 8021, እና 8079 aluminum alloys. ከነሱ መካከል, PTP aluminum foil produced with 8011 alloy primary aluminum h……

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6 የመድኃኒት PTP ብላይስተር ጥቅሞች

Pharmaceutical PTP blister has a wide range of applications and has many advantages. 1 Pre-coating agent (referred to as OP) is suitable for UV ink, solvent ink, water-based ink 2 Heat sealing paint……

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የ PVC PVDC የመድሃኒት ፊኛ ማሸጊያ የፕላስቲክ ወረቀት

The aluminum-plastic blister packaging of medicines is also called water-in-eye packaging, የእንግሊዘኛው ስም ነው። “PressThroughPackage”, ወይም “ፒቲፒ” በአጭሩ. PTP packaging is to ……

ተጨማሪ ያንብቡ

የኩ ኤለመንት በንብረቶቹ ላይ ተጽእኖ 8011 ቅይጥ መድኃኒት ፎይል

በዚህ ወረቀት ውስጥ, የኩ ኤለመንት ተጽእኖ በመጋገሪያ መቋቋም ላይ 8011 ቅይጥ አልሙኒየም ፎይል በጡንቻ ሙከራ ተጠንቷል።, የፒንሆል ምርመራ, ሜታሎግራፊክ ሙከራ, እና የመጋገሪያ መቋቋም. The results ……

ተጨማሪ ያንብቡ

8011-H18 ቁጣ PTP መድሃኒት ፎይል የማምረት ሂደት

የመለጠጥ ጥንካሬ σb እና የመለጠጥ δ ከተጠናቀቀው የአልሙኒየም ፎይል ናሙና በመሞከር ተፈትኗል. የሙከራ ሂደቱ በ WDW-10 ኤሌክትሮኒክስ ሁለንተናዊ መሞከሪያ ማሽን ላይ ተካሂዷል. The experime……

ተጨማሪ ያንብቡ

የ PTP መድሃኒት ፎይል የማምረት ሂደት

PTP medicinal aluminum foil has become one of the main forms of pharmaceutical packaging because aluminum foil is non-toxic, odorless, light in weight and has excellent shading properties, high mois……

ተጨማሪ ያንብቡ

የመድኃኒት ፊኛ አልሙኒየም ፎይል ማጣበቂያ ንብርብር እና የሙቀት ማኅተም ጥንካሬ ጥራት ምርመራ

በሌላኛው የአሉሚኒየም ፊውል ላይ የማጣበቂያውን ንብርብር የመተግበር ተግባር የአሉሚኒየም ፊውል ከጠንካራ የፕላስቲክ ወረቀት ጋር ማያያዝ ነው. (PVC), መድሃኒቱ እንዲዘጋ. When applying the ad……

ተጨማሪ ያንብቡ

የመድኃኒት አልሙኒየም ፎይል መከላከያ ንብርብር ጥራት ያለው ምርመራ:

After printing the text pattern on the surface of the pharma aluminum foil, a protective layer is applied to prevent the ink layer on the surface from wearing and falling off; . When inspecting the ……

ተጨማሪ ያንብቡ

የመድኃኒት አልሙኒየም ፎይል ግራቭር ቁሳቁስ ጥራት ያለው የመመርመሪያ ዘዴ

The quality requirements for printing on the surface of pharma aluminum foil are: የታተመው ጽሑፍ እና ስርዓተ-ጥለት ግልጽ እና ጥብቅ ናቸው, እና ከከፍተኛ የሙቀት ሙቀት በኋላ, the text and pattern are s……

ተጨማሪ ያንብቡ

የመድኃኒት አልሙኒየም ፎይል ላይ ተጽዕኖ የሚያሳድሩ የጥራት ምክንያቶች

1. የአሉሚኒየም ፎይል የሚፈነዳ ጥንካሬ: በአጠቃቀም ወቅት, if the inherent quality of medicinal aluminum foil is poor, ፎይል መሰባበር እና መሰባበር ብዙ ጊዜ በምርት ላይ ይከሰታል, thus affecting the printing a……

ተጨማሪ ያንብቡ

የአሉሚኒየም ፎይል ቁሳቁስ ጥራት እና የሙከራ ዘዴው

Medicinal aluminum foil pinhole and its detection: የብረታ ብረት አልሙኒየም በጣም ጥቅጥቅ ያለ የብረት ክሪስታል መዋቅር አለው, እና በንድፈ ሀሳብ ፍጹም የሆነ የአሉሚኒየም ፊውል ማንኛውንም ጋዝ ሙሉ በሙሉ ሊገድብ ይችላል, water vapor and li……

ተጨማሪ ያንብቡ

8011 PTP alu ፎይል ፋርማሲዩቲካል ወደ ህንድ

Huawei Pharma Foil Packaging received an inquiry for medicinal foil from India. After a period of understanding, the two parties finally reached a cooperation agreement. In August, we will send the ……

ተጨማሪ ያንብቡ

Pharmaceutical AL/PE Strip aluminum foil blister pack for pills exported to the Philippines

In August, we received an order of 5 tons of medicinal foil from the Philippines. The specifications of the aluminum foil ordered by the customer are as follows: Product:aluminum foil roll strip Str……

ተጨማሪ ያንብቡ

የመድኃኒት ማሸጊያ የአልሙኒየም ፎይል ቅይጥ እና መመዘኛዎቹ ዝርዝሮች

What are the common alloy types of aluminum foil for pharmaceutical packaging? What are the thickness specifications? The following are some alloys of pharmaceutical packaging foil and their common ……

ተጨማሪ ያንብቡ

የመድኃኒት ማሸጊያዎች ሊኖራቸው የሚገባቸው አምስት ባህሪያት

1. የላቁ አዳዲስ ሳይንሳዊ ምርምር ግኝቶች እና አዲስ የንድፍ ዘዴዎች የእይታ ግንኙነት ንድፍ አዲስ የምርት ምስል እንዲፈጥሩ ሊያደርግ ይችላል።, በዚህም የውበት ለውጦችን ያበረታታል።. Designers should flexibl……

ተጨማሪ ያንብቡ

ቀዝቃዛ-የተሰራ ማህተም የአሉሚኒየም ፊኛ ምርት ባህሪያት:

1.በአሁኑ ጊዜ, ጥሩ መከላከያ ያለው የመድኃኒት ጠንካራ ታብሌት የውሃ ትነትን ከሞላ ጎደል ሊገለል ይችላል።, ኦክስጅን, አልትራቫዮሌት ጨረር እና ጥሩ መዓዛ ማቆየት አፈፃፀም. 2. Advantages from tradi……

ተጨማሪ ያንብቡ

የፊኛ ፎይል PVC ቁሳቁስ ምንድነው?

PVC refers to polyvinyl chloride resin (Poly Vinyl Chloride) referred to as PVC. It is a vinyl polymer material, and its material is an amorphous material. In practical use, PVC materials often add ……

ተጨማሪ ያንብቡ

What are the characteristics of aluminum blister foil?

1. Multilayer structure: able to resist moisture, ብርሃን, oxygen and other gases. 2. Good ductility of metal: has the largest non-fracture forming ability. 3. The blister has good toughness: it can r……

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Coated aluminum blister foil has the following features

Coated blister foil is a special structure that can achieve 100% medicinal preservation and can be stored for a long time. Coated blister foils have several well-known features. 1.Low thermal conduc……

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Alu Alu Blister Foil Properties And Packaging

Cold aluminum is a common pharmaceutical packaging material in modern times. How this material can protect the characteristics and quality of pharmaceuticals well is mainly due to the metal properti……

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The convenience and benefits of blister foil packaging

Blister is used more in daily life. Blister materials can be seen everywhere in people’s daily life, especially in the packaging of medicinal products. Blister foil brings convenience to peopl……

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8021 Medical Aluminum Foil Test Report

In June 2022, HWPFP will send a batch of 8021 aluminum foil to the UAE for quality inspection report. After the 15 tons of medicinal aluminum foil was tested, the product quality far exceeded the pa……

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What are the requirements for pharmaceutical packaging materials?

1. Pharmaceutical packaging needs to have certain mechanical properties The outer packaging of the medicine should be able to effectively protect the product, especially the medicine is closely rela……

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Features and Benefits of Children’s Blister Foil

1. The blister foil for children adopts the composite structure of paper, polyester film and aluminum foil, which effectively increases the strength of the composite film. The thickness of the polye……

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Production process of medicinal PVC

PVC hard sheet is mainly made of polyvinyl chloride resin with certain processing aids, and is produced by extrusion, የቀን መቁጠሪያ እና ሌሎች የማቀነባበሪያ ዘዴዎች. It is a packaging material that meets ……

ተጨማሪ ያንብቡ


ቁጥር 52, ዶንግሚንግ መንገድ, ዠንግዡ, ሄናን, ቻይና


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ምላሽ ይተው

የኢሜል አድራሻዎ አይታተምም።.


ምላሽ ይተው

የኢሜል አድራሻዎ አይታተምም።.

© የቅጂ መብት © 2023 Huawei Prma Foil ማሸጊያ