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ለምን ጉንፋን ተፈጠረ አሉ አሉ ፎይል ለአረፋ ማሸጊያ ተስማሚ ነው።?


ለምን ጉንፋን ተፈጠረ አሉ አሉ ፎይል ለአረፋ ማሸጊያ ተስማሚ ነው።?

There are many materials used in the packaging of medicines, from the original paper and plastic to the present metal pharmaceutical aluminum foil. With the progress of technology, people have carried out more detailed divisions on the packaging of drugs, what kind of aluminum foil corresponds to what kind of drugs. Among aluminum foil pharmaceutical packaging, Cold-formed Alu Alu Foil has become popular in recent years and has a good performance in blister packaging.

We all know that the storage of medicines is very sensitive to the environment. Sometimes the packaging is intact and the capsules are damaged. The reason is that some pharmaceutical packaging materials do not have a very good barrier to air, gas, እና ብርሃን. In order to meet the barrier performance of packaging, Alu Alu Foil has been widely used in the pharmaceutical packaging industry. Alu Alu foil is also known as cold formed foil/cold forming foil.

medicine aluminum foil

Alu Alu Blister Foil or CFF is a multilayer structure composite film composed of OPA (ናይሎን), aluminum Foil, እና የ PVC ፊልም, which is combined together by processing technology and adhesive. Alu Alu foil has several common specifications and is also the composite form of various layers.
ኦ.ፒ.ኤ 25 microns/adhesive/aluminum foil 45 microns/Adhesive /PVC 60 ማይክሮን
ኦ.ፒ.ኤ 25 microns/adhesive/aluminum foil 50 microns/Adhesive /PVC 60 ማይክሮን
ኦ.ፒ.ኤ 25 microns/adhesive/aluminum foil 60 microns/Adhesive/PVC 60 ማይክሮን

Alu Alu Foil on pharmaceutical packaging has strong hygroscopicity, is sensitive to light, and can protect drugs from atmospheric water vapor, ኦክስጅን, and strong light. Alu Alu Foil is completely formed by cold forming technology in the manufacturing process. Has many excellent properties, it provides 100% protection against light, ኦክስጅን, የውሃ ትነት, እና ሌሎች ጋዞች. And the formability, stability is a good performance. In terms of appearance, the silver surface gloss can make Alu Alu Foil Packaging have a better aesthetic feeling.

In general, the PVC film in the cold-formed foil is used as the contact layer to seal the aluminum cover foil on the pharmaceutical blister package.

PVC after the cold forming process is very stable, will not be deformed, because it is very hard, so after the cold forming process is completed to help the cavity to maintain its shape.

Most of the pharmaceutical packaging materials used by drugs on the market are required to have good barriers, and some special drugs also require light avoidance. And the excellent characteristics of Alu Alu Foil in medicinal packaging will be more widely used in packaging in the future.

የቀድሞ ገጽ:
ቀጣይ ገጽ:


ቁጥር 52, ዶንግሚንግ መንገድ, ዠንግዡ, ሄናን, ቻይና


[email protected]

ተጨማሪ ያንብቡ

ምላሽ ይተው

የኢሜል አድራሻዎ አይታተምም።.

ትኩስ ሽያጭ

ተዛማጅ ምርቶች

የመድኃኒት PVC ሉህ ጠንካራ ሉህ
ፋርማሲዩቲካል PVC ሉህ ማሸጊያ
pharma አሉሚኒየም ፎይል
ፋርማሲዩቲካል አሉሚኒየም ፎይል ማሸጊያ
ለፋርማሲ ፓኬጅ ፒቲፒ ፊኛ ፎይል
ብላይስተር ፎይል ለ PVC ማሸጊያ
8079 pharma ማሸጊያ አልሙኒየም ፎይል
የአሉሚኒየም ፎይል ፋርማሲዩቲካል ማሸጊያ ዝርዝሮች


ምላሽ ይተው

የኢሜል አድራሻዎ አይታተምም።.

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