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3003 ўпакоўка з алюмініевай фальгі для фарм


3003 ўпакоўка з алюмініевай фальгі для фарм

3003 aluminum foil packaging overview

3003 aluminum foil is a kind of aluminum alloy aluminum foil commonly used in pharmaceutical products. It is an Al-Mn series alloy and has a wide range of uses. 3003 aluminum foil packaging for pharma generally adopts cold working method to improve its mechanical properties. 3003 aluminum foil is not strong enough. This form of cold forming can make 3003 aluminum foil have good formability.

  • 3003 асаблівасці ўпакоўкі з алюмініевай фальгі
  • ·Excellent high corrosion resistance
  • Good weldability.
  • Good surface adhesion
  • Non-toxic, tasteless, safe and hygienic.
  • Recyclable
  • Moisture-proof and light-blocking

3003 ўпакоўка з алюмініевай фальгі

3003 aluminum foil packaging process:

Melt casting → soaking → hot rolling → annealing → cold rolling → intermediate annealing → cold rolling → aluminum foil rolling → slitting → performance testing → packaging → transportation.

3003 aluminum foil packaging production instructions

Aluminum alloy foil type: 3003 алюмініевая фальга
Material temper: F,О,H14,H16,H18,H19,H22,H24,H26,H28
Таўшчыня (мм): 0.006-0.5 (other sizes can be customized)
Шырыня (мм): 50mm-600mm (other sizes can be customized)
Length (мм): customized according to demand
Ужыванне: pharmaceutical packaging such as tablets, капсулы, таблеткі, г.д., also used in electronic foil for lunch box materials

3003 ўпакоўка з алюмініевай фальгі

HWPFP 3003 ўпакоўка з алюмініевай фальгі

1. HWPFP (Упакоўка з фольгі Huawei Pharma) is a manufacturer with 20 years of experience in the production of medicinal aluminum foil, and can professionally customize products according to the needs of customers.
2. We have a number of complete medicinal aluminum foil production lines to ensure a stable output of medicinal aluminum foil and deliver medicinal aluminum foil products to customers on time;
3. The 3003 aluminum packaging foil produced by HWPFP is flat, safe and hygienic, with uniform color, no mottled pinholes, and no oil impurities on the surface;
4. Strict production standards of medicinal aluminum foil ensure the safety and hygiene of 3003 ўпакоўка з алюмініевай фальгі.

Папярэдняя старонка:
Наступная старонка:


No52, Дарога Дунмін, Чжэнчжоў, Хэнань, Кітай


[email protected]

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