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Is Alu Alu Blister Foil Perfect For Pharmaceutical Packaging?


Is Alu Alu Blister Foil Perfect For Pharmaceutical Packaging?

Alu Alu foil is used in many advanced drug packaging in the market. Аднак, among some common drugs, there are also many drugs that are packaged in conventional blister packaging. Since alu Alu foil and blister packaging are used in many drugs, Which one is better for packaging medicine.

Conventional blister blister packaging is the most common type of drug packaging for capsules and tablet blisters, with aluminum cover foil on one side and PVC film (plastic) or other structure of PVC film (laminate) on the other side, such as PVC /PVDC.

The advantages of this type of packaging are:
The packaging cost is lower than that of ALU ALu foil.
The package is transparent so that the drug inside the blister can be clearly seen. Most blister packages are transparent.
These are not applicable to light sensitive drugs, application has certain limitations. Light-sensitive drugs can easily lose their potency once exposed to light.Common drug packaging applications include tablets and capsules (such as ibuprofen, paracetamol, and amoxicillin) in conventional blister packaging.

Unlike regular bubble cover packaging, alu alu foil has aluminum foil on both sides. Because cold aluminum is a three-layer structure with strong insulation, its water vapor transmittance at 38°C/90%RH (relative humidity) is almost 0 g/m2/ day, while the WVTR of standard PVC film under the same atmospheric conditions is 3.1g/m2/ day.

The advantages of aLu alu foil are:

Suitable for ultraviolet sensitive, highly hygroscopic or additional heat and cold protection drugs.

It has very high mechanical tear resistance and puncture resistance.

It provides long-term resistance to stratification the downside is that.

The cost of cold-formed foil packaging is higher than that of standard blister packaging.

It is not possible to form an Angle close to 90 degrees with aluminum foil, so the resulting bubble pack has a larger cavity and bubble pack card size than is necessary.

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