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Якія бываюць тыпы ўпакоўкі з алюмініевай фальгі для фармацэўтычных прэпаратаў?


Якія бываюць тыпы ўпакоўкі з алюмініевай фальгі для фармацэўтычных прэпаратаў?

There are several types of pharmaceutical aluminum foil packaging available. Some of the common types are:

1.Блістарная фальга:

This type of packaging is used to pack solid dosage forms such as tablets, капсулы, г.д. Blister foil provides a barrier against moisture, кісларод, і святло.

2.Cold-form foil:

This type of packaging is used to pack moisture-sensitive and light-sensitive products. Cold-form foil provides an excellent barrier against moisture, кісларод, і святло.

3.Strip foil:

Strip foil is used to pack pharmaceutical products such as tablets and capsules. It provides a barrier against moisture, кісларод, і святло.

4.Laminated foil:

Laminated foil is a combination of aluminum foil and other materials such as paper, plastic film, г.д. It is used to pack products that require a higher level of protection against moisture, кісларод, і святло.

5.Suppository foil:

Suppository foil is used to pack suppositories. It provides a barrier against moisture, кісларод, і святло.

6.Child-resistant foil:

This type of packaging is designed to prevent children from accessing the contents of the package. It is used to pack products that are potentially harmful to children.

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No52, Дарога Дунмін, Чжэнчжоў, Хэнань, Кітай


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