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What thickness of aluminum foil is suitable for pharmaceutical packaging?


What thickness of aluminum foil is suitable for pharmaceutical packaging?

The thickness of aluminum foil used for pharmaceutical packaging can vary depending on the specific requirements of the packaging and contents. Тыпова, aluminum foil with a thickness ranging from 0.02 каб 0.025 мм (20 каб 25 microns or 2 каб 2.5 mils) can be used for pharmaceutical packaging.

The choice of foil thickness in фармацэўтычная ўпакоўка depends on factors such as barrier properties, need for moisture, light and oxygen protection, and compatibility with the pharmaceutical product. Thicker foils have better barrier properties and are often used for products that are sensitive to moisture and oxygen, such as certain pharmaceuticals and medical devices.

Pharmaceutical packaging regulations and standards may vary by region, and specific requirements may be determined by the type of drug being packaged.

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