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What’s the secret to cold-formed aluminum being moisture-resistant and durable?


What’s the secret to cold-formed aluminum being moisture-resistant and durable?

Халодны алюміній таксама вядомы як фальга халоднага фармавання і блістаравая фальга халоднага фармавання. Гэты халодны пакет з алюмініевай фальгі складаецца з нейлону, алюміній і ПВХ. Халодная фармоўка фальгі патрабуе халоднага ціснення, so manufacturers must have high-precision stamping equipment to Ensure the quality of the cold-formed foil to avoid waste of raw materials, and the high-quality cold-formed foil can ensure the safe packaging of the tablet, and the tensile properties of the cold-formed foil should be strong enough to not tear easily. Dies for stamping cold-formed foils can be verified so that cold-formed foils of various shapes can be provided.

In the cold aluminum cold forming process, the aluminum-based laminate film is simply pressed into the mold by means of a stamper. The foil will be stretched and hold the formed shape. These blister forms are called cold formed foil blisters. The main advantage of cold-formed foil blisters is that the use of aluminium provides an almost complete barrier to water and oxygen, тым самым падаўжаючы тэрмін захоўвання прадукту. Cold forming foil blisters are slower to produce than thermoforming.

Cold forming foils can be used for heat sealing of blister foils. Cold-formed foils provide an excellent multi-layer configuration for highly hygroscopic or photosensitive drugs and generic drugs that are not suitable for packaging in barrier plastic films.

The configuration of cold forming foil is usually OPA(Nylon) film 25μ/adhesive/aluminum foil 45-60μ/adhesive/PVC 60μ. This multi-layer structure is also an important reason why cold aluminum is moisture-proof and durable.

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