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Класификация на алуминиевото фолио–Хенан Huawei Алуминий


Класификация на алуминиевото фолио–Хенан Huawei Алуминий

Aluminum foil is one of the most widely used pharmaceutical packaging materials, and it is also widely used in our life. Speaking of aluminum foil, many people may think of bubble cover foil or kitchen packaging, всъщност, aluminum foil classification is also divided into many.

There are many ways to classify aluminum foil, can be classified according to the thickness of aluminum foil, aluminum foil shape, aluminum foil state, and so on. Днес, in this article, we discuss in accordance with the three classification methods.

алуминиево фолио

1. Classification according to the thickness of aluminum foil: aluminum foil can be divided into thick foil, single zero foil and double zero foil according to the thickness.
Thick foil is aluminum foil with a thickness of 0.1-0.2mm, also known as aheavy gaugefoil”.
The thickness of a single zero foil ranges from 0.01 to 0.1mm, otherwise known as amedium gaugefoil”.
Double zero foil refers to the foil with two zeros after the decimal point when the thickness of aluminum foil is measured in mm. The thickness is usually less than 0.0075, also known aslightgaugefoil”. Different countries sometimes classify aluminum foil with thickness of 40ltm or less as light Gauge foil, while aluminum foil above is collectively referred to as heavy Gaugefoil.

2. Classify aluminum foil by shape: it can be divided into roll aluminum foil and sheet aluminum foil. This is related to the processing form of aluminum foil. Under normal circumstances, most of the wool processed by aluminum foil is supplied in rolls, but there are also a few handicraft packaging occasions with flaky aluminum foil as raw materials.

3. According to the state of aluminum foil, aluminum foil can be divided into hard foil, semi-hard foil and soft foil.
(1) Hard foil refers to: aluminum foil after rolling without softening treatment (annealing) алуминиево фолио, this kind of aluminum foil without grease surface will have some residue. Поради това, the hard foil must be degreased before printing, laminating and coating, so as to facilitate subsequent processing.
(2) semi-hard foil: semi-hard foil usually refers to the hardness range of aluminum foil between hard foil and soft foil, this thickness is more suitable for forming processing.
(3)Soft foil: soft foil hardness is the lowest, is rolled after full annealing and softened aluminum foil, this aluminum foil material is soft, smooth surface, has good processing performance.

No matter how aluminum foil is classified, the raw materials are the same. Now the drug packaging industry is more and more widely used in aluminum foil, and the requirements for aluminum foil packaging in the future market will be more and more strict.

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