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Production process of medicinal PVC


Production process of medicinal PVC

PVC hard sheet is mainly made of polyvinyl chloride resin with certain processing aids, and is produced by extrusion, calendering and other processing methods. It is a packaging material that meets the medical requirements.

The raw materials of PVC hard sheet mainly include PVC resin, stabilizer, processing aid, reinforcing agent, lubricant, пластификатор, и т.н.
1. Due to the safety requirements of pharmaceutical PVC rigid sheets, the VCM content of the selected PVC resin must be less than
2. Stabilizer The function of stabilizer is to prevent the decomposition of polyvinyl chloride at high temperature, so that the processing process can be carried out normally.
The heat stabilizers used in the processing of medicinal PVC are mainly organic tins, but only methyl tin mercaptide and octyl tin can be used for rigid PVC sheets.
3. Strengthening agent Medicinal PVC plastic has a big disadvantage is its brittleness, which will hinder its use. for
In order to improve its brittleness, a reinforcing agent (also called impact modifier) must be added during processing to improve its impact strength and ensure normal use in secondary processing. В момента, the main impact modifier used in China is MSB (methyl methacrylate-butadiene-styrene copolymer).

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