+86-371-66302886 | [email protected]

Factory Zone


Factory Zone

Professional manufacturer of medicinal aluminum foil packagingfactory direct price, factory customization, samplau am ddim, export all kinds of aluminum blister foil and headquartered in China

Huawei Aluminum has its own production plant and professional production line equipment, providing high-quality pharmaceutical aluminum blister foil.

【Huawei Aluminum Factory Production Equipment】

– – – Aluminum billet inspection – – –

Aluminum billet inspection

– – -Rewind Foil Line- – –

aluminum blister factory

– – – Aluminum Foil Slitting – – –

aluminium foil slitting

– – – Product packaging – – –

pecynnu ffoil alwminiwm

– – – The first-line medicinal aluminum foil production workshop – – –

Gwerthu Poeth

Cynhyrchion Cysylltiedig

18 ffoil alwminiwm micron
18 ffoil alwminiwm mic pharma
A all pecynnu ffoil alu fod yn atal lleithder ac yn atal nwy?
PVC PVDC Ar gyfer Pecyn Pothell Meddygaeth
PVC/PVDC Ar gyfer Pecyn Pothell Meddygaeth
pecynnu ffoil pothell ptp
Ffoil pothell PTP Ar gyfer Pecyn Fferyllol


Gadael Ateb

Ni fydd eich cyfeiriad e-bost yn cael ei gyhoeddi.

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