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Merkmale 20 Mikron-PTP-Blisterfolie


Merkmale 20 Mikron-PTP-Blisterfolie

20 Mikron PTP (Verpackung durchdrücken) Blisterfolie ist ein Verpackungsmaterial, das in der pharmazeutischen Industrie häufig zur Herstellung von Blisterverpackungen für Tabletten verwendet wird, Kapseln und andere feste Darreichungsformen. Here are some features and characteristics of 20 Mikron PTP-Blisterfolie:

Dicke: Das “20 Mikrometer” in the name refers to the thickness of the foil. It indicates that the thickness of the foil is 20 Mikrometer (µm). The thickness is selected according to the specific requirements of the packaged medicine.

Barriereeigenschaften: PTP blister foils are designed to provide a barrier against moisture, hell, Sauerstoff, and other external factors that can reduce the quality and efficacy of pharmaceutical products.

Versiegelbarkeit: Blister foils need to be easy to seal, Huawei Aluminiumfolienverpackung 20 micron PTP Blister Foil is engineered to provide an effective heat seal, ensuring proper closure of the package and keeping the product hygienic.

Druckbarkeit: Many blister foils can be printed, allowing manufacturers to add branding, Produktinformation, dosing instructions and other relevant details to the pack.

Tear resistance: PTP aluminum foil has sufficient tear resistance to prevent accidental tearing during handling, transportation and use.

Peelability: Blister foils are designed for easy opening, allowing users to easily access medication without damaging the product or compromising sterility.

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