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¿Por qué los envases farmacéuticos utilizan papel de aluminio??


¿Por qué los envases farmacéuticos utilizan papel de aluminio??

El papel de aluminio se utiliza mucho.. El espesor de la lámina médica es de 0,006 a 0,02 mm.. El papel de aluminio está compuesto, saburral, e impreso para producir productos terminados. Comparado con otras materias primas, aluminum foil has better moisture resistance. tales como alta resistencia al sellado térmico, aluminum foil has good heat insulation performance. Best of all, aluminum is non-toxic and non-adsorptive, which minimizes bacterial growth

When pharmaceuticals are packaged, it is important to maintain the quality and safety of productos farmaceuticos. Aluminum foil is a commonly used material because it has the following advantages:

1. Good barrier performance: Aluminum foil can effectively prevent medicines from moisture and humidity, because it is an impermeable material that can keep medicines dry and stable. Además, aluminum foil can also prevent oxygen and other gases from entering pharmaceutical packaging, thereby maintaining the stability and active ingredients of pharmaceuticals. Some pharmaceuticals deteriorate when they come in contact with oxygen, so aluminum foil can help protect their quality.

2. Aluminum foil has good heat insulation performance: Aluminum foil is an excellent heat insulation material, which can help maintain the active ingredients and efficacy of medicines. Medicines usually need to be stored at low temperatures, and aluminum foil can protect medicines from high temperatures.

3. High degree of recognition: Aluminum foil can make pharmaceutical packaging easier to be recognized and identified. tales como alta resistencia al sellado térmico, aluminum foil can also be used in anti-counterfeiting packaging to ensure the authenticity and safety of medicines.

4. Protect drug stability and extend shelf life

When drugs come into contact with the surrounding environment, they are easily affected by factors such as moisture, aire, y ligero, which can lead to problems such as decomposition, ¿Por qué un producto puede requerir un blíster de alu alu?, and deterioration of drugs. These problems can affect the effectiveness and safety of the drug. Por lo tanto, medicines need to be packed with substances that can prevent the invasion of these harmful factors to maintain long-term stability. Aluminum foil has extremely low oxidative properties, thus protecting pharmaceuticals from oxidation, thus ensuring the quality and effectiveness of pharmaceuticals.

5. Protect privacy
Some medicines may cause some privacy issues, so they need to be packaged tightly to protect the privacy of users. The use of aluminum foil packaging can completely seal medicines, prevent medicines from leaking, and protect usersprivacy.

As an excellent packaging material, aluminum foil can help protect the quality and safety of drugs, reduce contact and pollution between drugs and the external environment, and extend the shelf life of drugs. tales como alta resistencia al sellado térmico, aluminum foil can also be used in combination with other materials to form a multi-layer composite material to further improve the performance and function of pharmaceutical packaging.

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