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Hotzaren arteko aldea, beroa eta epela osatzea

There are many kinds of processing forms of medicinal aluminum foil packaging products. Adibidez, alu alu foil is a cold forming method, tropical foil is a thermoforming method, and there is also……

Gehiago irakurri

Hotzean osatutako aluminiozko paperaren abantailak eta desabantailak

Alu Alu foil and PTP blister aluminum foil are both pharmaceutical packaging materials, gure eguneroko bizitzan asko erabiltzen direnak, batez ere farmazietan, where drugs with aluminum foil layers can b……

Gehiago irakurri

Medikuntza aluminiozko papera hotzean osatzeko prozesatzeko metodoa

Hotza konformatzea aluminio-paperaren prozesatzeko metodo bat da, the most well-known is cold forming aluminum foil. Existing alloy aluminum production in the process of many is used to finalize the design of t……

Gehiago irakurri

Prozesatzeko baldintzak hotzean osatutako aluminiozko paper sendagarrirako

Alu alu foil is also called cold-formed blister foil. The cold-formed aluminum is not a single layer of aluminum foil, it is composed of nylon, aluminioa, and PVC, and is a composite aluminum foil. A……

Gehiago irakurri

The Development Of Huawei Aluminum Cold-formed Aluminum foil

From the recent industry trend, cold forming aluminum industry in these two years in a rising trend, the overall market size has increased. From the feedback of the aluminum industry, the driving fo……

Gehiago irakurri

Huawei Aluminum Implements High Standards For Medicinal Aluminum Foil

The stability of pharmaceutical products and the compatibility of packaging materials are important aspects of drug quality and safety. The stability of the drug in both solid and liquid dosage form……

Gehiago irakurri

Pharmaceutical Aluminum Foil That Can Prevent Counterfeiting

As a good pharmaceutical packaging material, aluminum foil is widely used in the packaging of various drugs. Hala ere, there are some bad drug packaging manufacturers, rough manufacturing, production……

Gehiago irakurri

Zergatik erortzen da aluminiozko paperezko blister tinta geruza sendagarria?

There is a printing layer on the surface of the pharmaceutical packaging aluminum foil, which can indicate the relevant information of the drug by printing, and also play a role of publicity by prin……

Gehiago irakurri

Ba al dago aluminiozko paperezko geruza bakarra ontzi medikoetarako?

Gehiago edo gutxiagorekin kontaktuan jarriko gara ohiko sendagaien ontziekin, adibidez, common cold medicine packaging surface is a layer of aluminum foil for packaging, many people think this layer of alum……

Gehiago irakurri

Zein da aluminiozko paperezko sendagaien ontzien bero-zigilatzeko indarraren eragina

The quality of drug aluminum foil packaging is related to people’s health, and for Aluminum foil packaging samples, the heat sealing strength of the product also largely determines the quality……

Gehiago irakurri

Aluminio paperaren sailkapena–Henan Huawei Aluminioa

Aluminum foil is one of the most widely used pharmaceutical packaging materials, and it is also widely used in our life. Speaking of aluminum foil, many people may think of bubble cover foil or kitc……

Gehiago irakurri

Nola ezabatu Bright Spots Blister aluminiozko papera

The surface of bubble cover aluminum foil we see is smooth and bright, baina gainazal batzuek puntu distiratsu asko izan ditzakete, which are mostly caused by some inappropriate operations in the production pr……

Gehiago irakurri

Ptp aluminiozko paperaren sailkapena eta barne egitura

PTP aluminum foil bubble cover packaging is a kind of pharmaceutical aluminum foil packaging, but also a more widely used one. PTP can be classified differently according to different types, and can……

Gehiago irakurri

Huawei Aluminioa–Professional Supplier Of Medicinal Aluminum Foil

The quality of pharmaceutical packaging materials has a direct impact on people’s health. Aluminum foil is the most commonly used pharmaceutical packaging material, and the important quality c……

Gehiago irakurri

Ptp aluminiozko paperaren propietate fisiko onak

In addition to all kinds of plastic or glass bottles, aluminum foil blister packaging is the most used one. Aluminum alloy is generally used in the production of aluminum foil bubble cover packaging……

Gehiago irakurri

Nola bermatu ptp aluminiozko paper sendagarriaren ekoizpena?

Eguneroko bizitzan, aluminiozko paper medikoen aplikazioa oso zabala eta heldua da, droga-dendetako ontzi orokorrak aluminiozko paperezko ontzietan daude batez ere. The main uses of medi……

Gehiago irakurri

8011 Aluminiozko blister paper sendagarria

8011 aluminiozko papera aluminiozko metal nahastutako material mota bat da, horri al-Fe-Si elementu metalikoa gehitzen zaio, bide honen bidez aluminio-paperaren ezaugarri batzuk hobetzeko, so that aluminum foil can hav……

Gehiago irakurri

Sendagaien ontzietarako PVCaren gabeziak eta hobekuntza

Bubble cover flexible packaging is a widely used pharmaceutical outer packaging material, most of the time is a variety of materials composite production, this plastic sheet material PTP aluminum bl……

Gehiago irakurri

Blister Aluminum Foil Is Praised By People

Blister packaging is a common way of medicine packaging is put drugs in the pits of vacuum forming of the plastic plate (the pit is called blister or bubble eyes), drug in bubble inside, with a pass……

Gehiago irakurri

Reasons That Easily Lead To The Failure Of Pharmaceutical Packaging Drugs

Medicines are something that we often come into contact with in our lives. It is difficult for anyone to guarantee that they will not get sick. For some people to take medicines conveniently, many o……

Gehiago irakurri

How To Prevent Counterfeiting Of Aluminum Foil Blister Packaging Printing?

As a kind of pharmaceutical packaging material, aluminum foil is widely favored by users and pharmaceutical manufacturers in the market. In the early stage, aluminum foil bubble cover was only used ……

Gehiago irakurri

PTP aluminiozko papera farmazeutikoa: Enbalaje farmazeutikoan liderra

The aluminum foil used in drug blister Packaging is the sealing material sealed on the plastic hard sheet, also known as the capping material, usually called PTP pharmaceutical aluminum foil, which ……

Gehiago irakurri

Zeintzuk dira aluminiozko produktuen abantailak(aluminiozko papera,aluminiozko plaka)?

Aluminiozko materiala metal argi zuri aberats mota bat da, metal honek ezaugarri kimiko eta fisiko onak ditu, aluminum foil made from aluminum raw materials also has good characteristics, the wo……

Gehiago irakurri

Zertan jarri behar den arreta markatzean, bilgarri, aluminio-paperaren garraioa eta biltegiratzea?

After aluminum foil processing and production, there are many follow-up matters that need to be paid attention to. The main points of attention are roughly divided into the following aspects. 1. The……

Gehiago irakurri

Aluminiozko paperezko blister ontziratzea: sendagaientzako ontziratzeko forma berezia

Burbuila estalkiaren ontziratzea, oro har, hutsean xurgatzearen bidez egiten da (burbuila putz egiten) edo burbuilen estalkiaren gorputza betetzeko moldea, aluminiozko papera eta bestelako estaldura-materialak erabiltzea, and thro……

Gehiago irakurri

Harremanetan jarri

52. zenbakia, Dongming errepidea, Zhengzhou, Henan, Txina


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Gehiago irakurri

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Zure helbide elektronikoa ez da argitaratuko.


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