Koroa berriaren epidemia globalaren azpian, medikuntza ohituta gauden elementu bat bihurtu da. Hartzen ditugun sendagaien gainazalean ontzi-geruza bat dago. Most of this packaging is made of alumin……
Gehiago irakurriTropical blister foil and cold-formed blister foil are both medicinal packaging materials, generally referred to as tropical aluminum and cold aluminum. Commonly used aluminum metals are 1000 series……
Gehiago irakurriPeople who have not been exposed to medicinal packaging may have a lot of confusion when they first hear the term cold aluminum: Is cold aluminum foil very cold aluminum? Izan ere, this is not the ca……
Gehiago irakurriAbstract: Gaur egun, blister packaging is becoming more and more common in the packaging of health food and pharmaceutical tablets and capsules. PTP aluminum foil is the sealing material on the pha……
Gehiago irakurriIn the last article, we introduced the general types and packaging structures of cold forming foil packaging, and today we will introduce a child-resistant medicinal packaging foil. We all know that……
Gehiago irakurriIndustriako lehengai gisa ekoitzitakoa izateaz gain, aluminiozko papera ontziratzeko material gisa ere erabil daiteke. Adibidez, food packaging materials and pharmaceutical packaging m……
Gehiago irakurriⅠ:6000 series aluminum alloy 6 series aluminum alloy is an Al+Mg+Si product, which is a widely used alloy. 6 series aluminum has metal properties such as medium strength, korrosioarekiko erresistentzia, and e……
Gehiago irakurriZer dira 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 series aluminum alloys? What does the number number of the aluminum alloy represent? What are the common aluminum alloy models? In the last article, we shared the me……
Gehiago irakurriThere are many types of aluminum alloys. These categories are classified by numbers and are divided into 1-8 series aluminum alloys. These numbers are defined according to the amount of aluminum con……
Gehiago irakurri1. Light weight and low density. Compared with other commonly used metals, aluminum profiles have lower density and lighter weight. The density is only 2.70 g/cm3, which is 1/3 of that of copper or ……
Gehiago irakurriCold aluminum is also known as cold forming foil and cold forming blister foil. This cold aluminum foil package is composed of nylon, aluminum and PVC. Cold forming foil requires cold stamping, so m……
Gehiago irakurriThe medicine board of the tablet is generally made of high-strength plastic and sealed with aluminum foil, so that the medicine inside can not be damp for a long time. How is this done? First of al……
Gehiago irakurriWhat’s the difference between 8011 eta 1100 aluminiozko papera? Aluminum foil commonly used materials are 8011 aluminiozko papera eta 1100 aluminiozko papera. They have different alloys. What’s the dif……
Gehiago irakurriAluminioa botiketan erabiltzen da? This is a question that many people will be confused about. Lehenik eta behin, it is certain that aluminum can be used as an element for medicine, but it is not simply using m……
Gehiago irakurriAluminioak propietate bikainak ditu, baina askotan beharrezkoa da beste metal batzuk gehitzea prozesatzeko garaian errendimendua hobetzeko. Zein metalek eragin dezaketen aluminio-aleazioen propietateetan? There are T……
Gehiago irakurriHow to choose pharma packaging company A pharmaceutical foil blister packaging company with production capacity and on-time delivery must meet the following 4 baldintzak. 1. There are strict product……
Gehiago irakurriAs an external packaging material, medical aluminum foil is often processed into the form of blister. Blister packs are often used as unit dose packaging for tablets, capsules or lozenges. Blister p……
Gehiago irakurri8011 aluminum foil is a type of 8000 series aluminum alloy foil, which is often used as a material for pharmaceutical packaging. This material has been widely recognized by factories and users after……
Gehiago irakurriDrugs depend on the characteristics of packaging materials The long-term storage of drugs depends on the characteristics of packaging materials. The most commonly used pharmaceutical packaging mater……
Gehiago irakurri8011-O 0.015*300mm aluminum foil specification Product Name: Aluminum Foil Pallet No: HWAL-01 Specification:0.015*300mm Alloy/Temper:8011-O No Of Roll Case:6 ID:76mm OD:460mm Net Weight:682kg Gros……
Gehiago irakurri1. Alu alu foil packaging appearance – Scratches, dents on nylon: not detected – Scratches, dents on PVC: not detected 2. Alu alu foil packaging properties – High-performance cold ……
Gehiago irakurriPeople have been researching and exploring the form and material selection of drug packaging, and are committed to using one of the most suitable pharma packaging materials to package drugs to the g……
Gehiago irakurriAs a good packaging material, aluminum foil has been widely used in pharmaceutical packaging. It is a very popular packaging material and the preferred pharmaceutical packaging material for many pha……
Gehiago irakurriAfter the concept of world community was put forward, people in the world paid more attention to environmental issues. Amongst the continued focus on carbon emissions and the hope of improving the s……
Gehiago irakurri1. Pharma foil packaging bags leave the warehouse with no odor and no odor. 2. The outer packaging of Pharma foil packaging should be marked with the manufacturer’s name, factory address, and ……
Gehiago irakurri52. zenbakia, Dongming errepidea, Zhengzhou, Henan, Txina
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