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Hotzean osatutako pvc sendagarri solidoa xafla gogor konposatua


Hotzean osatutako pvc sendagarri solidoa xafla gogor konposatua

Commonly known as: cold aluminum/alu alu/cold punched aluminum

Cold formed aluminum foil product features:

1. Strong barrier properties: The medicinal hard tablets with the best barrier properties at present can almost completely isolate water vapor, oxigenoa, ultraviolet rays, and have excellent fragrance retention properties.

2. Advantages compared with traditional PVC: Each cold-formed blister forms an independent unit that is completely isolated from water vapor, oxigenoa, and ultraviolet rays. Taking out part of the contents of a plate of tablets will not affect other intactly packaged drugs in the same plate. Influence.

3. Cold-formed foil appearance: simple, elegant and beautiful, it is the best way to package health care products and drugs.

cold aluminum foil

aluminiozko paper hotza

Advantages of cold forming compared with traditional PVC:

1. Cold stamped aluminum can be used for the packaging of pills, pilulak, hautsak, supositorioak, capsules and external applications, instead of PVCa.

2. Cold-stamped aluminum is moisture-proof, oxygen-proof, argiaren aurkakoa, and has excellent barrier properties. It is especially suitable for packaging drugs that are sensitive to moisture or that need to be sold in hot and humid areas.

3. By changing the mold, it is easy to design and manufacture beautiful and diverse shapes. Horrez gain, its unique and gorgeous appearance adds to the attractiveness of the packaging products. It can obviously greatly promote the sales of the product and has become a high-end pharmaceutical. synonymous with.

4. It adopts cold pressing molding, eliminating the need for heating, and is heat-sealed with PTP aluminum foil for easy opening.

Cold formed blister foil is suitable for:

1. Suitable for drugs with high barrier properties.
2. It can be used for the packaging of pills, pilulak, hautsak, supositorioak, capsules and external applications.
3. Suitable for cold-formed aluminum blister packaging machines.

Aurreko Orria:
Hurrengo Orria:

Harremanetan jarri

52. zenbakia, Dongming errepidea, Zhengzhou, Henan, Txina


[email protected]

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Lotutako produktuak

medikuntzarako aluminiozko papera
30 mikroa aluminiozko papera
Medikuntzarako PVC zurruna
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8079 farmazia-ontziak aluminiozko papera
Aluminio papera farmazia-ontzien zehaztapenak
Aluminiozko blister paper tropikala
Anpulu Tropikala


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