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Precautions for delivery of Pharma foil packaging


Precautions for delivery of Pharma foil packaging

1. Pharma foil packaging bags leave the warehouse with no odor and no odor.

2. The outer packaging of Pharma foil packaging should be marked with the manufacturer’s name, factory address, and product company name. Products should be accompanied by a product inspection certificate.

8011 aluminum blister foil

3. The packing of Pharma foil packaging should be protected from bumps to avoid affecting the pharma foil during transportation.

4. The medicinal packaging foil should be arranged in a neat and consistent manner, and be checked in all directions before departure.

Aurreko Orria:
Hurrengo Orria:

Harremanetan jarri

52. zenbakia, Dongming errepidea, Zhengzhou, Henan, Txina


[email protected]

Gehiago irakurri

Erantzun bat utzi

Zure helbide elektronikoa ez da argitaratuko.

Salmenta beroa

Lotutako produktuak

18 mikra aluminiozko papera
18 mic pharma aluminiozko papera
Medikuntzarako PVC zurruna
PVC zurruna Blister Pack farmazeutikorako
8021 farmako aluminiozko papera
Farmaziako aluminiozko paperezko ontziak
PVC/LDPE laminatua supositorio paketerako


Erantzun bat utzi

Zure helbide elektronikoa ez da argitaratuko.

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