+86-371-66302886 | fiosrúchá[email protected]

Buntáistí cóimhiotal alúmanaim ba chóir duit a fhios


Buntáistí cóimhiotal alúmanaim ba chóir duit a fhios

1. Meáchan éadrom agus dlús íseal.

I gcomparáid le miotail eile a úsáidtear go coitianta, tá dlús níos ísle agus meáchan níos éadroime ag próifílí alúmanaim. Níl an dlús ach 2.70 g/cm3, atá 1/3 of that of copper or iron. It is convenient to process or transport.

Advantages of aluminum alloys

2. Super corrosion resistance.

Aluminum profiles are processed by hot and cold processes in the production process, and have strong corrosion resistance. The packaging used for medicines can preserve medicines for a long time.

3. Good ductility.

Aluminum profiles have good ductility and can be made of light alloys with many metal elements, and the material is of high quality.

4. Aluminum alloy has strong plasticity.

Compared with other metal materials, aluminum type has strong plasticity and good productivity, which has good advantages for production.

5. Good castability

Aluminum profiles have good casting properties and can be processed into aluminum profiles of different shapes.

6. Bright metallic luster.

The surface treatment performance is good, and the appearance is bright.

7. The chemical properties of aluminum alloy are stable.

It is non-magnetic and can be recycled and reused. It is a virtuous and recyclable metal material.

8. The processing elasticity coefficient is small.

The elastic coefficient is small, and the collision friction does not cause sparks, which is the best performance in automobile technology.

9. Good electrical and thermal conductivity.

It has good thermal conductivity and electrical conductivity, and has outstanding performance in short-distance power transmission.

10. Non-volatile and pollution-free.

Compared with other metal materials, aluminum profiles have no metal pollution, no toxicity, and no volatile metals in the surface oxide layer.

Leathanach Roimhe Seo:
An Chéad Leathanach Eile:


Uimh.52, Bóthar Dongming, Zhengzhou, Henan, tSín


fiosrúchá[email protected]

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