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6 Advantages of Medicinal PTP Blisters


6 Advantages of Medicinal PTP Blisters

Pharmaceutical PTP blister has a wide range of applications and has many advantages.

1 Pre-coating agent (referred to as OP) is suitable for UV ink, solvent ink, water-based ink
2 Heat sealing paint (HSL or VC for short) is suitable for cold stamping aluminum/PVC/PP/PS/PET
3 HSL 3-5g for Asian standard, 6-8g for European standard
4 kinds of printing colors: 1-3 colors, clò-bhualadh dà-thaobh, full-bottom monochrome printing
5 Water vapor transmission rate, national standard 0.5g/㎡24h
6 Heat sealing strength 7.0N(PVC), 6N(PVDC)

Duilleag roimhe:
An ath-dhuilleag:

Cuir fios

Chan eil.52, Rathad Dongming, Zhengzhou, Henan, Sìona


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Leugh Tuilleadh

Fàg Freagairt

Cha tèid do sheòladh puist-d fhoillseachadh.

Reic teth

Bathar Co-cheangailte

Foil blister tropaigeach alùmanum
Foil blister tropaigeach
foil alúmanaim airson leigheas
30 foil aluminium mic
An urrainn dha pacadh foil alu alu a bhith dìon-taise agus dìon-gas?
fuar cruthaichte alu alu foil
Alu Alu Fuar a’ cruthachadh Foil Alùmanum OPA/AL/PVC


Fàg Freagairt

Cha tèid do sheòladh puist-d fhoillseachadh.

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