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מהו המבנה של רדיד שלפוחיות אלולו אלו?


מהו המבנה של רדיד שלפוחיות אלולו אלו?

The structure of Alu Alu blister foil, also known as Aluminium Cold Forming Blister Foil, is designed for packaging highly sensitive pharmaceutical and generic medicines that are hygroscopic (moisture-absorbing) or light-sensitive and cannot be suitably packed with barrier plastic films. This type of foil is specifically engineered for cold forming, which is a process used to create blister packs for pharmaceutical products.

The Alu Alu blister foil typically consists of two layers of aluminum foil laminated together. Each layer of aluminum foil provides a high barrier against light, moisture, וחמצן, which is essential for protecting sensitive pharmaceutical products. The foil is also coated on one side to allow for heat sealing during the blister pack formation process.

alu-alu blister foil

alu-alu blister foil

ה Alu Alu blister foil typically consists of two layers of aluminum foil laminated together. Each layer of aluminum foil provides a high barrier against light, moisture, וחמצן, which is essential for protecting sensitive pharmaceutical products. The foil is also coated on one side to allow for heat sealing during the blister pack formation process.

Alu-Alu blister packaging typically consists of three layers:

Outer Layer (25-micron PVC film): A layer of aluminum foil that is coated with a heat-sealable layer. This layer is usually the one that is heat-sealed to form the blister pack.
Inner Layer (45-רדיד אלומיניום מיקרון): Another layer of aluminum foil that provides additional barrier properties and strength to the blister pack.

The exact thickness and composition of Alu Alu blister foil may vary depending on the specific requirements of the pharmaceutical products being packaged. במקרים מסוימים, Alu Alu blister foil may be replaced by a structure containing special polyester film and soft aluminum foil. This new structure is composed of 36 micron special polyester / 50 micron soft aluminum foil / 36 micron special polyester composition, providing an alternative to traditional Alu Alu laminates for pharmaceutical packaging.

העמוד הקודם:
העמוד הבא:


מס' 52, דרך דונגמינג, ג'נגג'ואו, הנאן, סִין


[email protected]

קרא עוד

השאר תגובה

כתובת האימייל שלך לא תפורסם.

מכירה חמה

מוצרים קשורים

8079 אריזת פארמה נייר אלומיניום
מפרטי אריזה פרמצבטית בנייר אלומיניום
חבילת שלפוחית ​​PVC PVDC לרפואה
חבילת שלפוחית ​​PVC/PVDC לרפואה
רדיד אלו-אלו בצורת קר
אלומיניום רדיד אלומיניום ליצירת קרות OPA/AL/PVC
רדיד אלומיניום בצורת קר
סרט מרוכב אל PVC עם רדיד אלומיניום


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