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Xala helandinê ya alija aluminiumê çi ye?


Xala helandinê ya alija aluminiumê çi ye?

Aluminum Melting Point Popular Science Introduction

What is melting point?

The melting point is the temperature at which a solid substance changes from solid to liquid during heating, ku heye, the temperature at which an object begins to melt. At this temperature, the solid and liquid states of a substance can coexist, and the volume and density of the substance will change. Melting point is a physical property of a substance, and different substances have different melting points.

What’s the melting point for aluminum?

What is aluminum’s melting point? Aluminum (Al) is a lightweight, highly conductive and ductile metal with a relatively low aluminum melting point, which makes low melting point aluminum widely used in industry and daily life. Aluminum metal has a 1000-8000 doranî, and the melting point of pure aluminum is about 660.3°C (1216.54°F). This means that at an aluminum melting point temperature of 660.3°C, pure aluminum begins to change from solid to liquid.

Do all aluminum alloys have the same melting point?

Among many aluminum alloy series, among 1xxx-8xxx aluminum metals, 1000 series is pure aluminum alloy, and other series have many other small amounts of metal components added. Will there be any difference in the melting point of aluminum?

Melting point of 1-8 series aluminum metals

Aluminum Series Alloy Grade Melting Point() Melting Poin()
1000 series melt point of aluminum

(1xxx series is pure aluminum with a melting point of about 660°C.)

1050 615~660 1139~1220
1060 615~660 1139~1220
1070 660 1220
1100 660 1220
1200 615~660 1139~1220
1235 615~660 1139~1220
1350 615~660 1139~1220
2000 series melt point of aluminum 2024 500~700 932~1292
3000 series melt point of aluminum

(Ew 3000 series aluminum has a relatively low melting point due to the addition of a higher magnesium element, and exhibits good plasticity and processing properties.)

3003 660 1220
3004 630~660 1166~1220
3005 630~660 1166~1220
3105 630~660 1166~1220
5000 series aluminum metal melting point

(The 5xxx series has magnesium as the main alloying element and has a melting point of about 600°C to 650°C)

5005 660 1220
5052 607 1124
5083 660 1220
5086 570~640 1058~1184
5454 585~645 1085~1193
5754 600 1112
6000 series melting point of aluminum(The 6xxx series contains silicon and magnesium as the main additive elements and has a melting point of about 520°C to 635°C) melting point 6061 aluminum 580~650 1076~1202
6082 555 1031
6083 550~650 1022~1202
7000 series melt point of aluminum(The 7xxx series contains zinc as the main added element) 7075 475~635 887~1135
8000 series aluminum metal melting point 8011 660 1220
8021 660 1220
8079 660 1220



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