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Сиз дарылык ptp ыйлаакча фольга структурасын knoe?


Сиз дарылык ptp ыйлаакча фольга структурасын knoe?

Do you understand the structure of pharmaceutical PTP (pass-through packaging) blister foil?

Introduction to medicinal PTP blister foil:

Pharmaceutical PTP blister foil is an important component in pharmaceutical packaging, providing protection, stability and tamper resistance to medications. Aluminum pharmaceutical blister foil is designed to maintain the integrity of pharmaceutical products by protecting them from moisture, жарык, oxygen and other environmental factors that could compromise their efficacy or safety.

ptp blister foil

ptp blister foil

PTP blister foil structure:

The structure of pharmaceutical PTP blister foil usually consists of multiple layers, and each layer of ptp has a specific purpose to ensure the quality and safety of packaged drugs. These layers are often laminated together to create a strong barrier against exterior elements. Here is a breakdown of typical layers of blister foil:

Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) film:

PVC film is used as the base or main layer of blister packaging. Pharmaceutical PVC provides structural support and formability to the packaging, allowing it to be molded into the desired shape to securely contain the drug.

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The PVC film is coated with a heat seal coating to facilitate the sealing process during packaging. This coating allows the blister pack to seal tightly, preventing leakage or contamination of the medication.

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An adhesive layer is usually applied to the PVC film to improve the bond between the PVC and foil layers. This layer enhances the overall strength and integrity of the blister pack.

Алюминий фольга:

The aluminum foil layer is the primary barrier to moisture, кычкылтек, жарык, and other external factors that can degrade the drug. Aluminum foil is impermeable to gases and moisture, ensuring the stability and shelf life of packaged products.

Heat seal paint:

The aluminum foil layer is coated with heat sealing paint to facilitate the sealing of the blister pack. This varnish melts under heat, creating a strong seal between the foil and lid material.

Printing ink:

Printing ink can be applied to the outer surface of the blister pack for branding, product information, dosage instructions and other labeling purposes. It is critical to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and provide users with necessary information.

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