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What are the types of pharmaceutical aluminum foil packaging?


What are the types of pharmaceutical aluminum foil packaging?

There are several types of pharmaceutical aluminum foil packaging available. Some of the common types are:

1.Блистер фольга:

This type of packaging is used to pack solid dosage forms such as tablets, капсулалар, жана башкалар. Blister foil provides a barrier against moisture, кычкылтек, and light.

2.Cold-form foil:

This type of packaging is used to pack moisture-sensitive and light-sensitive products. Cold-form foil provides an excellent barrier against moisture, кычкылтек, and light.

3.Strip foil:

Strip foil is used to pack pharmaceutical products such as tablets and capsules. It provides a barrier against moisture, кычкылтек, and light.

4.Laminated foil:

Laminated foil is a combination of aluminum foil and other materials such as paper, plastic film, жана башкалар. It is used to pack products that require a higher level of protection against moisture, кычкылтек, and light.

5.Suppository foil:

Suppository foil is used to pack suppositories. It provides a barrier against moisture, кычкылтек, and light.

6.Child-resistant foil:

This type of packaging is designed to prevent children from accessing the contents of the package. It is used to pack products that are potentially harmful to children.

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