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What are the requirements for pharmaceutical packaging materials?


What are the requirements for pharmaceutical packaging materials?

1. Pharmaceutical packaging needs to have certain mechanical properties

The outer packaging of the medicine should be able to effectively protect the product, especially the medicine is closely related to human health. Тиймээс, the drug pack material should have certain strength, toughness and elasticity, гэх мэт., to adapt to the influence of static and dynamic factors such as pressure, shock, and vibration.

2. Excellent barrier properties

There are strict requirements for the storage environment of medicines. According to different requirements for product packaging, packaging materials should have certain barriers to moisture, усны уур, хий, гэрэл, үнэр, odor, ба дулаан.

3. The material itself must have good safety performance

The toxicity of the packaging material itself should be small, so as not to contaminate the product and affect human health; the packaging material should be non-corrosive, and have the properties of anti-insect, anti-moth, anti-rat, inhibiting microorganisms, гэх мэт., to protect the safety of the product.

4. Appropriate processing performance

Packaging materials should be suitable for processing and easy to be made into various packaging containers. It should be easy to mechanize and automate packaging operations to adapt to large-scale industrial production. It should be suitable for printing and easy to print packaging signs.

5. Better economic performance

Сав баглаа боодлын материалыг олон төрлийн эх сурвалжаас авах ёстой, be easily obtained, and have low cost. The used packaging materials and packaging containers should be easy to handle and not pollute the environment or cause public nuisance.

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