Folja tal-Aluminju Folja Huwa Faħħar Min-Nies
L-imballaġġ tal-folji huwa mod komuni ta 'l-ippakkjar tal-mediċina jitqiegħed id-drogi fil-fosos tal-iffurmar tal-vakwu tal-pjanċa tal-plastik (il-fossa tissejjaħ għajnejn folja jew bużżieqa), droga fil-bużżieqa ġewwa, with a pass intaglio printing (some will be coated with protective agent and adhesive) of aluminum foil and the plastic plate bonding heat sealing and medicine, were sealed within the blister So that the drug is safe protection.
The main materials of blister packaging are pharmaceutical PTP aluminum foil, plastic sheet polyvinyl chloride (PVC), and adhesive composite materials. This kind of packaging material is widely loved and used by pharmaceutical manufacturers and users. On the one hand, this kind of material saves the production cost and the overall price of drugs is favorable. Min-naħa l-oħra, it is attributed to the excellent physical and chemical properties of bubble cover aluminum foil.
一、Folja tal-aluminju folja bubble cover has excellent airtight performance
?Has good barrier performance to oxygen, water, u dawl, and can be used for single-dose packaging to isolate air, avoid light and moisture
?To enhance the shelf life of products, long-term maintenance of product characteristics.
?Extruded film coil can be made of multilayer film or transparent barrier film.
?Aluminum foil options range from 9 microns to 25 mikroni.
?Can heat seal with PVC, PVDC, and other hard pieces, perfect isolation sealing.
?PTP aluminum foil has a high barrier, heat sealing, printing, easy to puncture, and other properties.
In particular, drugs can be individually packaged, which also makes it easy for consumers to take out a dose of drugs once or fewer times, while reducing the total number of holes on the production mold, mold manufacturing cost, the product waste has become less.
二、 friendly protection for children, the elderly more friendly
Protection for children: Aluminum foil bubble cover has a certain strength and ductility, for children this material is not easy to tear
Elder friendly: Easy to open, simply squeeze pills out of their packaging with your thumb
三、the design can be the diversified choice
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