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Raġunijiet Li Faċilment Iwasslu Għall-Nuqqas ta 'Drogi għall-Ippakkjar Farmaċewtiku


Raġunijiet Li Faċilment Iwasslu Għall-Nuqqas ta 'Drogi għall-Ippakkjar Farmaċewtiku

Il-mediċini huma xi ħaġa li ħafna drabi niġu f'kuntatt magħha f'ħajjitna. Huwa diffiċli għal xi ħadd li jiggarantixxi li mhux se jimrad. Għal xi nies biex jieħdu mediċini b'mod konvenjenti, many older people like to mix a few days of medicine or health care products in advance and put them in. The portable pill box prepared by yourself is convenient for follow-up medication. But everyone does not know that this form is prone to some bad situations, which are serious or even harmful to health.

The general pharmaceutical packaging material is fojl tal-aluminju. This packaging material has excellent gas barrier properties, moisture resistance, light barrier properties, good chemical stability, and its protective agent has excellent high-temperature resistance. It is widely used in tablets and capsules. Blister packaging of products such as pills, eċċ. Madankollu, if the medicines are disassembled artificially and different medicines are mixed together for packaging, the medicines will leave the original environment of the aluminum foil blister packaging, which will easily lead to the failure of the medicines. Especially in hot weather, humid and rainy summers, the medicines are prone to moisture and discoloration after being opened. If they are mixed and stored in a small medicine box, it is possible that the printed medicines may melt and chemical reactions between different medicines may occur. This reaction is often harmful to human health. Is unfavorable.

fojl tal-aluminju

Although it is convenient to disassemble the medicines together, it is not recommended topackthe medicines together in this form. Some data show that there are many mixed packaging containers for medicines on the market, all of which are portable medicine boxes. These portable medicine boxes are diverse, some are divided into 3 compartments, and some have more than 10 compartments, which can store the amount of medicine for 7 days. . Some people need to take medicine every day. In order to avoid repeated or missed medicines when taking medicine, they generally use this kind of small medicine box to remind themselves to take medicine on time. Many elderly people with diseases will have this portable pillbox. Although this kind of pillbox sounds like ahumanizedproduct, in fact, it lacks a certain degree of safety and scientificity.

Many drugs need to be protected from light and kept in a sealed state. If the drugs are opened and mixed artificially, the stability and efficacy of the drugs will be affected. And medicines are prone to odors between each other. We all know that there are strict requirements for packaging materials and containers that can directly contact drugs: such packaging must be able to isolate water vapor, ossiġnu, dawl, heat, odor, and other factors that affect the characteristics of drugs; and currently, it is popular on the market The quality of the small pillboxes is uneven, and some have not undergone strict testing and approval. After such drugs are stored, the efficacy of the drugs is likely to be lost or even deteriorate. It is not suitable to store the drugs directly.

Especially when it comes to the high temperature of summer, if the sugar contained in the medicine is not stored in the special medicine packaging, the medicine is prone to deterioration. Għalhekk, it is best to use the original packaging for the medicines you carry with you and replace the medicines that have not been taken for a long time in time to prevent them from falling during use. Nowadays, many drug packages have an independent blister, as this one can directly cut the pill together with itssmall shelland then store it in the pillbox.
Some items on the aluminum foil blister pack will indicate the storage environment temperature. When we use the box to pack the medicine, we should pay attention to the temperature condition of the medicine storage. Ġeneralment, drugs can be stored at room temperature (10°C-30°C), as long as they are protected from light, dry, and airtight. Avoid affecting the properties of the drug due to temperature.

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