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Structural features of alu alu cold form foil


Structural features of alu alu cold form foil

Aluminum cold-formed foil is a special type of pharmaceutical packaging material designed for safe and protective packaging of pharmaceutical tablets and capsules. The structural characteristics of medicinal cold-formed aluminum foil have many merits:

.Multi-layer structure: Aluminum cold-formed foil is usually composed of multiple layers of materials, each with a specific function. Typical structures include:

1. Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) layer: forms the innermost layer and is in direct contact with the drug.

2. Aluminum foil layer: This is a barrier layer that provides protection against moisture, oxygen and light.

3. Polyvinylidene chloride (PVdC) layer: This layer enhances the barrier properties, especially for moisture and gases.

4.Sealing layer: The sealing layer helps seal the blister pack securely to prevent tampering and contamination.

Aluminum cold-formed foil provides a safe and protective packaging solution for pharmaceutical products, helping to maintain the integrity and efficacy of the encapsulated pharmaceutical products. Its structural features are tailored to the specific needs of the pharmaceutical industry, ensuring product safety, compliance and convenience.

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