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Which Aluminum foil 8011 or 1235 is more suitable for pharmaceutical packaging?


Which Aluminum foil 8011 or 1235 is more suitable for pharmaceutical packaging?

Both 8011 u 1235 aluminum alloys are commonly used in pharmaceutical packaging, and the choice between them depends on specific requirements and considerations. Here are some key properties of each alloy:

Aluminum alloy 8011:

Good strength and mechanical properties.
Excellent moisture, light and gas barrier properties.
Suitable for high-speed processing and printing.
Commonly used for:
Blister packaging of pharmaceutical tablets and capsules.
Tape packaging for pharmaceuticals.

Aluminum alloy 1235:

High purity, typically containing 99.35% aluminum.
Excellent barrier properties.
Good flexibility.
Commonly used for:
Cold formed blister foil.
Tropical blister packaging.

For standard pharmaceutical blister packaging, where high speed processing and good barrier properties are critical, liga tal-aluminju 8011 is often the first choice.

If high purity and good flexibility are critical to a specific packaging need, liga tal-aluminju 1235 may be considered, especially for applications such as cold-formed blister foil or tropical blister packaging.

The choice between 8011 u 1235 will depend on the specific requirements of the pharmaceutical packaging, such as drug type, processing conditions and required barrier properties. It is always recommended to consult with a packaging expert or supplier to ensure that the material selected meets the specific needs of the drug product.

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