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Which metal foil is used for pharma packaging?


Which metal foil is used for pharma packaging?

People have been researching and exploring the form and material selection of drug packaging, and are committed to using one of the most suitable pharma packaging materials to package drugs to the greatest extent.

From the early 20th century, people first used plastic, karta, and other methods to package medicines, but these methods are not ideal, medicines are difficult to store for a long time, and medicines are easy to become damp and melt.

With the advancement of technology and the use of tools, people choose to cut metal into very thin layers and coat the surface, which can be used as a good packaging material. With the exploration, people found that aluminum alloy raw materials can be used as a good pharmaceutical packaging material after being cut into aluminum foil.

Since people started to use aluminum foil as a medicinal packaging material, this method has continued to this day. Now the performance of the medicinal aluminum foil packaging material has undergone qualitative changes in all aspects, and it is also in line with people’s usage habits.

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