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What is the material of blister foil PVC


What is the material of blister foil PVC

PVC refers to polyvinyl chloride resin (Poly Vinyl Chloride) referred to as PVC. It is a vinyl polymer material, and its material is an amorphous material.

In practical use, PVC materials often add stabilizers, lubricants, auxiliary processing agents, pigments, impact resistance agents and other additives. It has non-flammability, high strength, weather resistance and excellent geometric stability.

PVC is very resistant to oxidizing agents, reducing agents and strong acids. Cu toate acestea, it can be corroded by concentrated oxidizing acids such as concentrated sulfuric acid and concentrated nitric acid and is not suitable for contact with aromatic hydrocarbons and chlorinated hydrocarbons. în plus, the term person vs computer in the game is abbreviated as PVC, and PVC human figures are often abbreviated as PVC and so on.

It is often used on blister caps.

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