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What should factory pay attention to when wrapping in aluminum foil?


What should factory pay attention to when wrapping in aluminum foil?

1. The compatibility of folie de aluminiu and automatic packaging machine, whether there is a test machine corresponding to the sample
2. The running speed of the aluminum foil, the number of packages per minute?
3. Is the surface of the aluminum foil package flat?
4. Is the number of joints of aluminum foil roll film small?
5. The splicing method of the aluminum foil roll film joint, is it lap joint or flat joint?
6. What color tape is used at the joint of the aluminum foil roll film, does it serve as a warning?
7. The direction of unwinding of aluminum foil roll film, head out? Tail out?
8. If it is a multi-column aluminum foil package, is the flatness error of the aluminum foil roll film within 3 microni?
9. If it is a stretched aluminum foil film, be sure to pay attention to the width of the film, there may be errors
No more than 1.5MM
10. Pay attention to the cumulative error of the cursor spacing when making the aluminum foil roll film!
11. Whether the odor and residual solvent of aluminum foil roll film exceed the standard!

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Nr.52, Drumul Dongming, Zhengzhou, Henan, China


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Produse înrudite

folie de aluminiu pentru medicamente
30 microfon folie de aluminiu
folie de alu format la rece
Alu Alu Folie de aluminiu pentru formare la rece OPA/AL/PVC
Foaie PVC medicinală foaie tare
Ambalaj din folie PVC farmaceutic
folie de aluminiu farmaceutic
Ambalaje farmaceutice din folie de aluminiu

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