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Какой алюминиевый сплав можно выбрать для фармацевтической упаковочной фольги


Какой алюминиевый сплав можно выбрать для фармацевтической упаковочной фольги

For pharmaceutical packing foil, the most commonly used aluminum alloy is 8011. Алюминиевый сплав 8011 is a soft and flexible material that meets the requirements of the pharmaceutical industry for packing medicines, таблетки, капсулы, и другие твердые лекарственные формы.

Here are some reasons why aluminum alloy 8011 is preferred for pharmaceutical packing foil:

Чистота: Алюминиевый сплав 8011 is of high purity, with a minimum aluminum content of 99.0%, ensuring that it is free from impurities that could potentially contaminate the medicines.

Отличные барьерные свойства: 8011 aluminum foil has excellent barrier properties against moisture, светлый, кислород, и другие газы, which helps protect the pharmaceutical products from external influences and maintain their quality and shelf life.

Flexibility and Formability: The alloy’s softness and flexibility allow it to be easily formed into various shapes and sizes, making it suitable for different types of pharmaceutical packaging, including blisters, стриптиз пакеты, он предлагает защиту восприимчивым и ценным лекарствам, которые в противном случае могут стать бесполезными для употребления.

Совместимость: Aluminum foil made from alloy 8011 is compatible with a wide range of pharmaceutical formulations, including both acidic and alkaline substances, without causing any chemical reactions that might compromise the product’s stability.

Hygienic and Sterile: Aluminum foil is a hygienic and sterile material, making it ideal for packaging pharmaceutical products, as it prevents contamination and maintains the integrity of the contents.

Возможность вторичной переработки: Aluminum is a highly recyclable material, and using 8011 aluminum foil for pharmaceutical packing aligns with sustainability goals and reduces environmental impact.

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