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Какой из ПВХ и ПВДХ больше подходит для фармацевтической упаковки при компаундировании с алюминиевой фольгой


Какой из ПВХ и ПВДХ больше подходит для фармацевтической упаковки при компаундировании с алюминиевой фольгой

В области фармацевтической упаковки, ПВХ (поливинил хлорид) и ПВДХ (сополимер поливинилхлорида/поливинилацетата) обычно используются для ламинирования алюминиевой фольгой. Both have certain strengths and applicability, but may have different applications in specific situations.

PVC and aluminum foil composite:

Производительность барьера: The composite film of PVC and aluminum foil has good oxygen and water vapor barrier performance, which can protect medicines from the influence of moisture and oxygen.
Прозрачность: PVC and aluminum foil composite film can have a certain degree of transparency, making the medicines in the package visible and easy to observe.

Chemical resistance: PVC and aluminum foil composite film has a certain chemical resistance, which can protect the drug from the influence of the external environment.

Экономическая эффективность: The cost of PVC and aluminum foil lamination is relatively low, which is suitable for some affordable pharmaceutical packaging needs.

PVDC and aluminum foil composite:

High barrier performance: The composite film of PVDC and aluminum foil has excellent oxygen and water vapor barrier performance, which can better protect drugs from oxygen, влага и другие внешние факторы.
High chemical resistance: PVDC and aluminum foil composite film has excellent chemical resistance, which can effectively protect the stability and expiration date of drugs.

или образование пузырей на холодной структуре: PVDC is generally regarded as a food-grade material with good safety and stability.
Applicable to humidity-sensitive pharmaceuticals: PVDC and aluminum foil composite film has good barrier performance to moisture, and is suitable for humidity-sensitive pharmaceutical packaging.

Следовательно, the choice of PVC and aluminum foil composite or PVDC and aluminum foil composite should be comprehensively considered according to the characteristics of specific drugs, требования к упаковке, cost factors, and regulatory requirements. In some pharmaceutical packaging that requires high barrier properties and is sensitive to humidity, PVDC and aluminum foil composite films may be more suitable; while in some cases that are more sensitive to cost requirements, PVC and aluminum foil composite films may have more advantages.

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№52, Дунмин Роуд, Чжэнчжоу, Хэнань, Китай


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