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Почему 8000 алюминиевая фольга серии больше подходит для фармацевтической упаковки


Почему 8000 алюминиевая фольга серии больше подходит для фармацевтической упаковки

Почему 8000 алюминиевая фольга серии больше подходит для фармацевтической упаковки

8000 алюминиевая фольга серии предпочтительнее для фармацевтической упаковки из-за ее специфических свойств для применения. Here are some reasons why 8000 series aluminum foil is commonly used in pharmaceutical packaging:

1. Барьерные свойства: Алюминиевая фольга (в том числе 8000 ряд) has excellent barrier properties to protect pharmaceuticals from moisture, светлый, кислород и другие факторы окружающей среды. This helps maintain the quality, potency and stability of the medicine.

2. Термостойкость: 8000 series aluminum foil has good heat resistance, which enables it to withstand high temperatures in sterilization processes such as autoclaving. This is essential to ensure the sterility of packaged pharmaceutical products.

3. Гибкость и формуемость: 8000 series aluminum foil is highly flexible and easy to fit, suitable for packaging medicines of various shapes and sizes. It folds, creases and seals easily, providing a secure, tight packaging solution.

4. Совместимость: Aluminum foil is chemically inert and non-toxic, which makes it compatible with many drug formulations. It will not react with the drug or change its properties, ensuring the integrity and safety of packaged drugs.

5. Tamper-proof: Aluminum foil can be easily sealed to provide tamper-proof packaging. Once the foil is sealed, any tampering attempts are clearly visible, ensuring the integrity and authenticity of the drug product.

6. Возможность печати: 8000 Series foils can be printed with important information such as product details, dosage instructions and expiration dates. This allows for clear labeling and enhanced communication of important information to healthcare professionals and patients.

То 8000 series refers to a group of aluminum alloys, among which 8011, 8021, и 8079 are the most commonly used pharmaceutical packaging aluminum foils. The characteristics of each alloy may be slightly different, but they generally have the above-mentioned advantages for pharmaceutical packaging.

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№52, Дунмин Роуд, Чжэнчжоу, Хэнань, Китай


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