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Which of the 8-series aluminum foil and the 1-series aluminum foil is more suitable as a pharmaceutical packaging material?


Which of the 8-series aluminum foil and the 1-series aluminum foil is more suitable as a pharmaceutical packaging material?

Both 8-series and 1-series aluminum foils (1235)have their own advantages and applications. بهرحال, when it comes to pharmaceutical packaging, the 8-series aluminum foil(8011,8021,8079) is generally considered more suitable. Here are some reasons:

Purity: The 8-series aluminum foil, particularly alloy 8011, is known for its high purity. It has a minimum aluminum content of 99.0%, which ensures minimal impurities and contaminants. This is crucial for pharmaceutical packaging, where hygiene and product safety are of utmost importance.

رڪاوٽ جا خاصيتون: Aluminum foil provides excellent barrier properties, protecting pharmaceutical products from moisture, روشني, آڪسيجن, and other environmental factors that can affect their stability and efficacy. The 8-series aluminum foil offers superior barrier performance, ensuring the integrity and shelf life of pharmaceuticals.

Compatibility: Aluminum foil is compatible with a wide range of pharmaceutical products, including solid dosage forms (ٽيبليٽ, ڪيپسول), powders, creams, and liquids. The 8-series aluminum foil is suitable for various packaging formats, such as blister packs, strip packs, sachets, and pouches.

بناوت: Aluminum foil can be easily formed into different shapes and sizes, allowing for convenient packaging of pharmaceutical products. The 8-series aluminum foil offers good formability, making it suitable for the production of precise and customized packaging designs.

Sealability: Proper sealing is crucial for maintaining the integrity of pharmaceutical products. The 8-series aluminum foil has good sealability, enabling reliable sealing of packages to prevent leakage, contamination, and tampering.

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