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Aká hrúbka hliníkovej fólie je vhodná na farmaceutické balenie?


Aká hrúbka hliníkovej fólie je vhodná na farmaceutické balenie?

Hrúbka hliníkovej fólie používanej na farmaceutické balenie sa zvyčajne pohybuje od 20 do 30 mikrónov (0.02 do 0.03 mm). This thickness provides the necessary barrier properties to protect the drug product from moisture, svetlo, kyslík, and other external factors that may affect its stability and efficacy.

In some cases, thinner foils (less than 20 mikrónov) may be used for specific applications where high barrier properties are not required. Avšak, for most pharmaceutical packaging applications, a thickness of 20 do 30 microns is typically recommended to ensure adequate protection of the product.

What are the advantages of choosing 20 do 30 micron pharmaceutical aluminum foil?

Choosing 20 do 30 micron pharmaceutical aluminum foil to package pharmaceuticals has several advantages:

1. Barrier properties**: Aluminum foil in the 20 do 30 micron range has excellent barrier properties to protect against moisture, svetlo, oxygen and other pollutants. This helps protect the drug from degradation and maintains its stability and efficacy.

2. Strong protection: The thickness of 20 do 30 microns provides sufficient protection for pharmaceuticals during storage, transportation and handling. It helps prevent exposure to external factors that could compromise product quality.

3. Compatibility: Pharmaceutical aluminum foil in the 20 do 30 micron range is compatible with various packaging formats such as blister packs, strip packs and sachets. It can be easily formed and sealed to create a secure packaging solution.

4. Better printability: Aluminum foil in this thickness range can print information, brands and instructions on packaging with high quality. This is important for pharmaceutical products that require labeling and labeling.

5. Tamper-proof: The use of aluminum foil in pharmaceutical packaging provides a tamper-proof seal, ensuring the integrity of the product and giving consumers confidence in its safety and authenticity.

6. Recyclability: Aluminum foil is a sustainable packaging material that is recyclable and reusable, reducing the impact on the environment and promoting a circular economy.

Overall, choosing 20 do 30 micron pharmaceutical aluminum foil offers a combination of barrier properties, protection, compatibility, printability, tamper resistance and recyclability, making it an ideal choice for packaging pharmaceuticals.

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