20 микронска алуминијска фолија фармацеутска амбалажа


20 микронска алуминијска фолија фармацеутска амбалажа

20 micron aluminum foil pharma packaging use

The main packaging objects of medicinal packaging aluminum foil are capsules, таблете, пилуле, итд. If your products are capsules, then 20 micron aluminum foil is the solution for you. It is also the first choice for pharmaceutical packaging manufacturers.

паковање од алуминијумске фолије

20 micron aluminum foil pharma packaging features

The aluminum foil can well isolate the moisture, кисеоник, and small microorganisms in the air from the blister, and protect the medicine inside the blister from being affected by external factors. And 20 micron aluminum foil pharma packaging has good processability, which can be used for commemorative printing on the surface, printing brand logo or other required product information.

20 micron aluminum foil pharma packaging product protection

The most important role of aluminum foil for blister is to provide the best protection against external elements such as dust, moisture or sunlight. ХВПФП (Хуавеи Пхарма Фоил Амбалажа) always chooses the highest quality raw materials that are thick enough to provide superior protection for the capsule, yet thin enough that the product can be easily opened through the blister.

20 micron aluminum foil pharma packaging material protection

Тхе 20 micron aluminum foil ensures consumer protection and easy handling, the materials we produce are prescribed special packaging and delivery conditions in a controlled environment where they are used, adhering to high safety standards. To ensure their protection, we operate foil transport under strict conditions.

алуминијумска фолија

ХВПФП 20 микронска алуминијска фолија фармацеутска амбалажа

The packaging of medicines is to protect the medicines from being affected in use, so as to provide safety for users. Our production philosophy and purpose are also to protect the health of consumers. Our procurement, production and delivery processes are built to the FSSC 22000 standard and include a complete programme of food safety management systems, fully accredited by the Global Food Safety Initiative. Escort for consumers.

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Повезани производи

Чврсти ПВЦ за медицину
Чврсти ПВЦ за фармацеутско блистер паковање
1235 легирана алуминијумска фолија
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Алу Алу алуминијумска фолија за хладно обликовање ОПА/АЛ/ПВЦ
паковање од блистер фолије
Алуминијумска фолија за блистер паковање


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