Блистер паковање од алуминијумске фолије: посебан облик паковања за лекове


Блистер паковање од алуминијумске фолије: посебан облик паковања за лекове

Bubble cover packaging is generally through vacuum vacuuming (bubble blowing) or molding in the form of filling the bubble cover body, the use of aluminum foil and other covering materials, and through a certain size of pressure, under the appropriate temperature and time conditions and sealed with the foam base material.

Bubble cover material: 1, PVC plastic sheet, 2, алуминијумска фолија.

Basic process: forming plastic sheet unwinding → heating → blister forming → material filling → sealing and covering aluminum foil → marking batch number → pressing and breaking line → feeding → punching cutting → collecting waste.

foil blister packaging layer

foil blister packaging layer

Blister packaging is a special form of drug packaging, which generally contains two initial manufacturing materials. The first material is used for bubble forming to hold the product; The second material is the sealing film, which is used to encapsulate the product in the molding bubble and protect the packaged product from the external environment, thus playing the role of protection and isolation. У Европи, blister packaging is the preferred form of packaging for storing packaged tablets.

Blister packaging is a special form of drug packaging, which generally contains two initial manufacturing materials. The first material is used for bubble forming to hold the product; The second material is the sealing film, which is used to encapsulate the product in the molding bubble and protect the packaged product from the external environment, thus playing the role of protection and isolation. У Европи, blister packaging is the preferred form of packaging for storing packaged tablets.

Here, the aluminum foil layer as a barrier layer of packaging can be a very good isolation of medicine in the air moisture and oxygen contact. Као резултат тога, drugs in this environment will be better protected from humidity, светлости, oxygen and other gases than the thermoplastic blister, and the drug will be stored longer. Међутим, due to the poor formability of the cold forming composite film, it requires a lot of molding holes larger than the product to meet the filling demand, and the whole bubble cover plate will also cause more waste of packaging materials when it becomes larger. Тренутно, in the development of cold forming blister packaging machines, various equipment manufacturers will try their best to optimize the geometric shape of the forming plunger, aiming at forming nearly perfect blister holes, so as to reduce the waste of packaging materials.

In this process, two problems need to be solved for some drug manufacturers. First of all, because some equipment manufacturers do not produce composite membrane material, so they usually do not master the molding characteristics of membrane material. Secondly, only very limited information about the mechanical properties of aluminum foil composite film has been published. Стога, the design definition for the optimization of the forming plunger geometry remains challenging and arguably a top development task for blister packaging equipment manufacturers.

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бр.52, Донгминг Роад, Зхенгзхоу, Хенан, Кина



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