Може 1235 алуминијумска фолија се користи за паковање лекова?


Може 1235 алуминијумска фолија се користи за паковање лекова?

1235 aluminum foil is a high-purity aluminum foil material, which is usually used in the manufacture of food packaging and pharmaceutical packaging, so it can be used as packaging for pharmaceutical products.

1235 aluminum foil is a common packaging material used to package a variety of items, including pharmaceuticals. In the field of pharmaceutical packaging, 1235 алуминијумска фолија is usually used in the manufacture of pharmaceutical packaging bags, capsule shells, and tablet packaging. This is because 1235 aluminum foil has excellent barrier properties, which can effectively prevent external factors such as oxygen, влаге, and light from affecting medicines. Поред тога, aluminum foil also has a certain mechanical strength, which can protect medicines from external damage.

1235 aluminum foil can be used to make pharmaceutical packaging, but it is necessary to choose the appropriate thickness and processing method according to the specific properties of pharmaceuticals and packaging requirements. У исто време, pharmaceutical packaging needs to comply with relevant regulations and standards, including quality standards and hygienic standards for pharmaceutical packaging materials.

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