Difference between cold, hot and warm forming


Difference between cold, hot and warm forming

There are many kinds of processing forms of medicinal aluminum foil packaging products. На пример, alu alu foil is a cold forming method, tropical foil is a thermoforming method, and there is also a warm forming method. These different production processes have their own differences, and there will also be similarities between each other. This article compares the differences and similarities of the three processing methods in multiple dimensions.

Hot forming (aluminum product processing) process
Process characteristics: heat the processed material to a temperature above its recrystallization temperature for shaping.
Setting temperature: 1100°C ~1250°C (2012°F ~ 2282°F)
Load strength: low forming load
Accuracy level: lower
Material surface: poor finish
Process complexity: more complicated
Ideal production speed: suitable for small-scale production
Advantages and disadvantages: The material needs to be heated above the recrystallization temperature during production. The formed material has a small load and can withstand a greater degree of deformation, so it can achieve very large or highly complex geometric shapes. Међутим, this processing method will cause surface oxidation and decarburization at high temperatures, so the surface finish of the aluminum products produced is usually poor. У исто време, due to the thermal expansion and contraction of the metal, the accuracy of the realization will also be poor.

Хладно обликовање (aluminum product processing) process
Process characteristics: molding at/near room temperature, not at low temperature.
Setting temperature: room temperature
Load strength: high forming load
Accuracy level: more accurate
Material surface: Glossy
Process complexity: medium
Ideal production speed: suitable for mass production
Advantages and disadvantages: The temperature of cold forming is at room temperature, so high-precision, high-quality surface finish, and high-speed production can be carried out. But at the same time, if the processed material wants to deform, the required load will be higher. У исто време, the deformability of the material is low, so a high degree of manufacturing experience is required to realize complex shapes.

Warm forming (aluminum product processing) process
Process characteristics: forming at a temperature between hot forming and cold forming.
Setting temperature: 300°C~850°C (572°F ~ 1562°F)
Load strength: medium forming load
Accuracy level: medium
Material surface: Glossy
Process complexity: medium
Ideal production speed: suitable for medium-scale production
Advantages and disadvantages: The temperature condition of warm forming is between cold and hot forming, the purpose is to combine the advantages between the two. Стога, it has a better surface finish than thermoforming and a more complex shape, but the temperature control is difficult and the accuracy is not so high.

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