Is aluminium used in drugs?


Is aluminium used in drugs?

Is aluminium used in drugs?

This is a question that many people will be confused about. First of all, it is certain that aluminum can be used as an element for medicine, but it is not simply using metal aluminum directly for medicine, but requires a very complicated process. processing before it eventually turns into Aluminium hydroxideused for common stomach acid symptoms.

How is aluminum used as a medicine?

How is aluminum used as a medicine?

Aluminum in Aluminium hydroxide is a mixture, not the aluminum metal we are familiar with. Most common aluminum metals are used in industry, such as alu alu foil pharmaceutical packaging. This medicinal aluminum chemical name is Al(OH)3 (medically called Weishuping) is an alkaline chemical. It has no direct effect on the secretion of gastric acid and has a chemical reaction that neutralizes or buffers the existing gastric acid in the stomach, which can lead to an increase in the pH value of the stomach. The chemical equation is: Al(OH)3 + 3HCl = ALCL3 + 3H2O Relieves symptoms of hyperacidity.

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