Да ли је хладно обликован алуминијум, веома хладан алуминијум?


Да ли је хладно обликован алуминијум, веома хладан алуминијум?

Људи који нису били изложени медицинској амбалажи могу имати велику забуну када први пут чују термин хладан алуминијум: Хладна алуминијумска фолија је веома хладан алуминијум? У ствари, this is not the case. данас, HWPFP will explain to you what is cold aluminum?

We all know that the pharmaceutical packaging industry first originated in developed countries, so pharmaceutical packaging is also named in English. На пример, our cold aluminum, his full name is cold stamping aluminum, and the English is COLD FORMING FOIL (CFF). This is different from the common high temperature blister packaging (Алуминијумска блистер фолија), cold aluminum is stamped at low temperature, which is also the source ofcold”. Another example is the sealing medicinal aluminum foil and the medicinal PTP aluminum foil. The PTP in his name is also the abbreviation of English Push/Press Trough Packing.

The pharmaceutical industry is a very serious and professional industry, and the pharmaceutical packaging industry of excipients has always adhered to the same concept. The cold and hot in the name, although the material itself has nothing to do with the temperature, the cold and hot in the name are also common terms of experience, but the name of the pharmaceutical packaging material is actually accumulated by the relevant personnel and enterprises at home and abroad for hundreds of years of experience. No matter how cold the cold aluminum is, the safety and quality of pharmaceutical packaging is always the concern of all pharmaceutical manufacturers.

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