Шта су 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 серије алуминијумских легура-1


Шта су 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 серије алуминијумских легура-1

Постоји много врста алуминијумских легура. Ове категорије су класификоване по бројевима и подељене су на 1-8 серије алуминијумских легура. These numbers are defined according to the amount of aluminum contained. На пример, the most aluminum content is the 1 series.
1 series stands for 1050, 1060, 1070, 1000 series aluminum plates, also known as pure aluminum plates. Among all series, 1000 series belongs to the series with the most aluminum content. The purity can reach more than 99.00%. Since it does not contain other technical elements, the production process is relatively simple and the price is relatively cheap. It is the most commonly used series in conventional industries. Most of the 1050 и 1060 series currently in circulation. Тхе 1000 series aluminum plate determines the minimum aluminum content of this series according to the last two Arabic numerals. На пример, the last two Arabic numerals of the 1050 series are 50. According to the international brand naming principle, the aluminum content must reach more than 99.5% to be qualified products. my country’s aluminum alloy technical standard (gB/T3880-2006) also clearly stipulates that the aluminum content of 1050 should reach 99.5%. For the same reason, the aluminum content of 1060 series aluminum plate must reach more than 99.6%.

2 series aluminum plate represents 2A16 (LY16) 2A06 (LY6) 2000 series aluminum plate is characterized by high hardness, of which the original content of copper is the highest, about 3-5%. 2000 series aluminum sheets belong to aviation aluminum materials, which are not often used in conventional industries. Тренутно, there are few manufacturers producing 2000 series aluminum sheets in my country. The quality can not be compared with foreign countries. Тренутно, imported aluminum sheets are mainly provided by South Korean and German manufacturers. With the development of my country’s aerospace industry, the production technology of 2000 series aluminum sheets will be further improved.

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