Шта су 1-8 серије алуминијумских легура-2


Шта су 1-8 серије алуминијумских легура-2

Шта су 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 series aluminum alloys?

What does the number number of the aluminum alloy represent? Који су уобичајени модели од легуре алуминијума? У последњем чланку, we shared the meanings and common product models of aluminum 1000 series and 2000 series aluminum metal numbers. данас, we continue to share the digital meanings and common aluminum alloy models of 3, 4, и 5 series aluminum alloy products.

Ⅰ: 3 series aluminum products

Тхе 3000 series alloy is mainly composed of Mn (content in the range of 1.0-1.5) + Al metal. Among them, the representative alloy models are 3003 3004 3A21. 3 series aluminum alloys are commonly used in household appliances, body frames, итд. It has the characteristics of good corrosion resistance and rust resistance. The price is higher than the first series.

: 4 серија алуминијумске легуре.

Тхе 4000 series aluminum alloy is mainly Al+Si (content is 4.5-6.0%) metal, and the silicon content is relatively high. Among them, the representative models of 4 series aluminum metal are 4A01, 4006, 4007, 4015, 4047. 4 series aluminum products are mostly used in architectural scenes and belong to building materials. It is also commonly used in mechanical parts, welding materials, итд.; it has the characteristics of low melting point and good corrosion resistance.

: 5 series aluminum products.

5000 series is a relatively common type of aluminum alloy. It uses Mg (with magnesium content between 3-5%) as the main alloy and has the characteristics of low density and super tensile strength. Common 5-series alloy models represent the 5052.5005.5083.5A05 series.
The elongation of 5-series alloys is very good, and they are mostly used in aerospace materials, such as aircraft chassis.
In China, тхе 5000 series aluminum alloy is one of the more mature aluminum alloy product series.

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