What is 8011 cold forming medicinal aluminum foil


What is 8011 cold forming medicinal aluminum foil

8011 cold forming medicinal aluminum foil is a specialized type of aluminum foil primarily used in the pharmaceutical industry for packaging medicines. Дизајниран је да обезбеди баријеру против влаге, светлости, кисеоник, and other contaminants, ensuring the integrity and stability of the packaged pharmaceutical products.

Features and properties of 8011 cold forming medicinal aluminum foil:

Alloy composition: The foil is made from an aluminum alloy with the designation 8011. This alloy typically contains high levels of aluminum (around 99%), along with trace amounts of other elements such as iron, силицијум, and manganese.

Cold forming properties: The foil is specifically designed for cold forming applications, meaning it can be easily shaped and formed at room temperature without compromising its structural integrity. This property makes it suitable for packaging medicines in various shapes and sizes.

Баријерна својства: 8011 aluminum foil has excellent barrier properties, preventing the entry of moisture, светлости, кисеоник, and other gases or contaminants. This helps protect the pharmaceutical products from degradation and ensures their stability and effectiveness.

Компатибилност: The foil is chemically inert and non-toxic, making it safe for direct contact with pharmaceutical products. It does not react with the contents of the package or release any harmful substances.

Heat resistance: Алуминијумска фолија, укључујући 8011 foil, has good heat resistance, allowing it to withstand the sterilization processes commonly used in the pharmaceutical industry, such as autoclaving or high-temperature drying.

8011 cold forming medicinal aluminum foil is a reliable and widely used material for pharmaceutical packaging, providing an effective barrier and maintaining the quality and shelf life of medicines.

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бр.52, Донгминг Роад, Зхенгзхоу, Хенан, Кина



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