Која је сврха папира од алуминијумске фолије у паковању пилула?


Која је сврха папира од алуминијумске фолије у паковању пилула?

1. Protect medicines from light, oxygen and moisture

Drugs are substances that are susceptible to damage by light, кисеоник, and moisture. These factors can destroy the molecular structure of the drug, causing it to degrade and lose its efficacy. To solve this problem, medicines usually need to be packaged in sealed packaging materials. Aluminum foil paper is widely used in pharmaceutical packaging to protect the quality and safety of pharmaceuticals due to its good antioxidant, moisture-proof and light-proof properties.

aluminum foil paper supplier

aluminum foil paper supplier

2. Prevent extrusion and deformation of medicines

Drugs are generally sold in the form of tablets, итд., and they need to be sealed and packaged with corresponding packaging materials. Due to its good strength and toughness, aluminum foil paper can avoid extrusion deformation of drugs during transportation, storage and use, ensuring that the shape, size and quality of drugs are not affected.

3. Other functions of aluminum foil paper

In addition to the above two functions, aluminum foil paper can also play a role in anti-counterfeiting, beauty, and portability. In pharmaceutical packaging, the name, specifications, manufacturer and other information of the drug are usually printed on the aluminum foil paper to facilitate consumers to understand relevant information about the drug.

Поред тога, aluminum foil paper can also protect medicines from external contamination and bacterial attack, ensuring that the quality of medicines meets standard requirements.

Among pharmaceutical packaging materials, aluminum foil plays an important role in pharmaceutical packaging. The main function of aluminum foil is to protect the quality and safety of pharmaceuticals, prevent pharmaceuticals from being damaged by light, oxygen and moisture, and prevent pharmaceuticals from being damaged during transportation, storage and use. Extrusion deformation occurs during the process, and at the same time it also plays the role of anti-counterfeiting, beautiful, and easy to carry.

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бр.52, Донгминг Роад, Зхенгзхоу, Хенан, Кина



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ПВЦ/ЛДПЕ ламинирана ролна за паковање супозиторија
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Тропицал Блистер Фолија
Структурне карактеристике ОПА/Алу/ПВЦ алуминијумске фолије за блистер паковање
фармацеутска алуминијумска фолија
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