Hobaneng ha Lera la Aluminium ea Meriana ea Meriana e Tloaelehileng??
Ho na le lera la khatiso ka holim'a sephutheloana sa aluminium sephutheloana sa meriana, e ka bontšang boitsebiso bo loketseng ba moriana ka ho hatisa, hape e bapala karolo ea phatlalatso ka ho hatisa tlhahisoleseding ea khampani. Hangata thepa ea khatiso ke enke e khethehileng ea khatiso, empa lesela la enke le tla theoha 'mala. Mokhoa oa ho sekaseka mabaka a boemo bona? Kajeno, Huawei Aluminium e tla sekaseka lebaka la ntlha ena le uena.
Bothata ba pele bo lokelang ho rarolloa ke hore lesela la enke le oela holim'a sepakapaka sa aluminium sa sephutheloana sa blister ea lithethefatsi.. Mohato oa pele o ka hlahlojoa ka thepa ea ho paka. Thepa ea ho paka ea lithethefatsi e na le likarolo tse ngata, 'me lera le ka ntle ke lera la khatiso. Ka lebaka la ho se khomarele hantle kapa ho hanyetsa mocheso oa lera la tšireletso la aluminium foil, lera le sireletsang la bokaholimo ba aluminium le ka thibela oxidation le ho bola ha foil ea aluminium., empa hape u sireletse lera la khatiso la bokaholimo ba aluminium hore bo se ke ba apara. Empa haeba sekhomaretsi kapa ho hanyetsa mocheso oa lera le sireletsang ho futsanehile, kapa ts'ebetsong ea tlhahiso ea ho kopanya mocheso kapa mocheso o mong o tima, phello ea tšireletso ea lera le sireletsang la enke e tla fokola haholo, boemong bona, lesela la enke le tloaetse ho aparoa, tima le mathata a mang.
Haeba u batla ho qoba ho etsahala ha boemo bona bo ka netefatsoa ka ho khomarela lera le sireletsang, tšireletso lera mocheso ho hanyetsa teko, ho bona hore na bothata ke bofe.
In addition to packaging materials, if the printing process is not properly controlled, the adhesion and strength of the ink on the aluminum foil surface will decline, and the ink layer will fall off after the loss of the protective layer. Ka hona, in the production process, attention should be paid to the monitoring of the adhesion and heat resistance of the protective layer of medicinal aluminum foil, and the printing process should be adjusted appropriately according to the real-time data and production status.
Some pharmaceutical aluminum foil manufacturers will also use solvent-based protective agents, the main chemical components of this solvent are nitro fiber, synthetic resin, plasticizer, cosolvent, diluent, etc. These are mixed according to a certain ratio, stirred by the reaction reactor to form a solvent, ho roala ka mochini holim'a foil ea aluminium ho hlahisa lera la filimi e sireletsang, ka sireletsa lera enke ha a oa theoha, le khanyetso e phahameng ea ho apara.
No.52, Tsela ea Dongming, Zhengzhou, Henan, China
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