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Performance of aluminum foil for pharmaceutical packaging-2


Performance of aluminum foil for pharmaceutical packaging-2

This article continues to introduce new physical and chemical properties of pharmaceutical foil alloys.

Paduan Watekna Kandelna(mm) Tensile strength (Mpa) Elongation after break (%)
1100,1200 O 0.018-0.025 40-100 1
0.025-0.040 50-100 3
0.040-0.10 55-110 6
3003 O 0.018-0.025 80-130 1
0.025-0.040 80-130 4
0.040-0.10 80-130 8
8006 0 0.018-0.025 80-140 1
0.025-0.040 85-140 2
0.040-0.10 90-145 6
H18 0.018-0.10 180 1
8011,8011A,8079 O 0.018-0.025 55-105 1
0.025-0.040 60-110 4
0.040-0.10 60-120 8
H18 0.018-0.10 150 1
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