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Beda antara aluminium molotok tropis jeung tiis kabentuk aluminium foil?


Beda antara aluminium molotok tropis jeung tiis kabentuk aluminium foil?

Tropical blister foil and cold-formed blister foil are both medicinal packaging materials, generally referred to as tropical aluminum and cold aluminum. Commonly used aluminum metals are 1000 runtuyan 8000 runtuyan (8011 8021), although both of them are used for pharmaceutical packaging, but they are very different in material.

Tropical aluminum is a composite of nylon and pure aluminum. The cold aluminum is made of nylon, pure aluminum, and pvc. PA/AL is also compounded with adhesive. AL needs to be coated with adhesive (VC) to be heat-sealed with PVC, so tropical aluminum is also expressed as PA/AL/VC. The medicine is packaged into: PA/AL + PVC + PTP, and the medicine is between the PVC bubble and PTP.

Cold aluminum: Each layer is compounded with adhesive, and the structure is PA/AL/PVC. When using, the PVC layer is heat-sealed with the adhesive (VC) on the PTP; the medicine packaging method is: PA/AL/PVC + PTP, and the medicine is between the PA/AL/PVC foam and the PTP.

The biggest difference between the two is that tropical aluminum is used for heat sealing with pvc, while cold aluminum is directly used for charging.

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